This folder contains AE242 data saved into different file formats: AE242_concatenated.phylip contains all 242 AE loci concatenated into a supermatrix for species tree analyses. AE242_fasta singles folder contains 242 AE loci as individual fasta-formatted files. file contains 242 AE loci together in a single nexus-formatted file with BEST and MrBayes commands for species tree analyses. AE242_multi.phylip file contains 242 AE loci together in a single phylip-formatted file (file used in BP&P2.2 analyses. AL242_nexus_singles folder contains 242 AE loci as individual nexus-formatted files
This is a ZIP file consisting of 4 separate input files for the program Mega6 (Tamura et al. 2013), ...
The dataset contains the files associated with the study "Integrating three comprehensive datasets s...
-contains .phy files for all 498 loci and 326 sequences (two alleles per individual) -concatenated.p...
This folder contains AE171 data saved into different file formats: AE171_concatenated.phylip contain...
This folder contains AL292 data saved into different file formats: AL292_concatenated.phylip contai...
Zipped file containing 12 phylip files that contain the sequence data from all individuals for all 1...
This directory contains a phylip file for each locus in the complete UCE data matrix (n = 2,107 UCE ...
This is a .zip file containing concatenated and individual Anchored Enrichment loci nucleotide matri...
This ZIP archive contains 3 data files (as described in Table 1), "3_CANDIDATE_SSR_10_pops.gtx" is t...
This is a phylip formatted file of 22 taxa consisting of 2,207 concatenated amino acid sequences fro...
Kawahara_Breinholt_2014_46taxa_2696loci_aa.nex: Nexus file containing 2969 genes for 46 taxa. See ta...
Kawahara_Breinholt_2014_26taxa_465loci_aa.nex: Nexus file containing 465 genes for 26 taxa. See taxa...
Nexus file containing amino acid data for 557 loci and 75 taxa. See taxa_list.txt for species names ...
README for data related to Heyduk et al 2015 "Estimating species relationships within Sabal (Arecace...
The zip file containes aligned nexus files and individual gene trees obtained following Bayesian ana...
This is a ZIP file consisting of 4 separate input files for the program Mega6 (Tamura et al. 2013), ...
The dataset contains the files associated with the study "Integrating three comprehensive datasets s...
-contains .phy files for all 498 loci and 326 sequences (two alleles per individual) -concatenated.p...
This folder contains AE171 data saved into different file formats: AE171_concatenated.phylip contain...
This folder contains AL292 data saved into different file formats: AL292_concatenated.phylip contai...
Zipped file containing 12 phylip files that contain the sequence data from all individuals for all 1...
This directory contains a phylip file for each locus in the complete UCE data matrix (n = 2,107 UCE ...
This is a .zip file containing concatenated and individual Anchored Enrichment loci nucleotide matri...
This ZIP archive contains 3 data files (as described in Table 1), "3_CANDIDATE_SSR_10_pops.gtx" is t...
This is a phylip formatted file of 22 taxa consisting of 2,207 concatenated amino acid sequences fro...
Kawahara_Breinholt_2014_46taxa_2696loci_aa.nex: Nexus file containing 2969 genes for 46 taxa. See ta...
Kawahara_Breinholt_2014_26taxa_465loci_aa.nex: Nexus file containing 465 genes for 26 taxa. See taxa...
Nexus file containing amino acid data for 557 loci and 75 taxa. See taxa_list.txt for species names ...
README for data related to Heyduk et al 2015 "Estimating species relationships within Sabal (Arecace...
The zip file containes aligned nexus files and individual gene trees obtained following Bayesian ana...
This is a ZIP file consisting of 4 separate input files for the program Mega6 (Tamura et al. 2013), ...
The dataset contains the files associated with the study "Integrating three comprehensive datasets s...
-contains .phy files for all 498 loci and 326 sequences (two alleles per individual) -concatenated.p...