This XLSX file contains the number of reads obtained for the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU ≥ 100 reads due to file size limits for Excel) of the two MiSeq runs and each PCR product before the data filtering
OTU table (for OTUs picked based on 97% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity) that forms the basis for mo...
A listing and annotation of the OTUs determined by ESPRITt analysis of the 454 16S data set. The fi...
OTU-table for 16S sequences amplified with the 515f/907r primer set. Only forward reads were used to...
This XLSX file contains the number of reads obtained for the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU ≥ 100 ...
This XLSX file contains the number of reads for each distinct variant of the MiSeq run and for each ...
Excel-document containing table of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) extracted from wood samples. T...
This is the OTU-sample table used in this study after quality filtering with raw read abundances and...
Raw 97% OTU table showing the number of sequences clustered into each UCLUST OTU. Each OTU is identi...
This is the original operational taxonomic unit (OTU) table resulting from the sequences clustering ...
This table records the number of sequence reads belonging to each OTU, across each of 48 samples. On...
Abundance table containing the number of reads for the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) of particl...
Table of OTUs (rows) by sample (columns) after bioinformatics pipeline. See "OTUs fasta file" for re...
A: OTU table showing the 2099 OTUs after rarefaction and removing ‘water’ contaminants (see Methods ...
FASTA file containing the consensus DNA sequences for the 143 operational taxonomic units (OTU) gene...
Table S1 Sample identifying barcodes. Table S2 Species identification for fungal operational taxonom...
OTU table (for OTUs picked based on 97% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity) that forms the basis for mo...
A listing and annotation of the OTUs determined by ESPRITt analysis of the 454 16S data set. The fi...
OTU-table for 16S sequences amplified with the 515f/907r primer set. Only forward reads were used to...
This XLSX file contains the number of reads obtained for the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU ≥ 100 ...
This XLSX file contains the number of reads for each distinct variant of the MiSeq run and for each ...
Excel-document containing table of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) extracted from wood samples. T...
This is the OTU-sample table used in this study after quality filtering with raw read abundances and...
Raw 97% OTU table showing the number of sequences clustered into each UCLUST OTU. Each OTU is identi...
This is the original operational taxonomic unit (OTU) table resulting from the sequences clustering ...
This table records the number of sequence reads belonging to each OTU, across each of 48 samples. On...
Abundance table containing the number of reads for the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) of particl...
Table of OTUs (rows) by sample (columns) after bioinformatics pipeline. See "OTUs fasta file" for re...
A: OTU table showing the 2099 OTUs after rarefaction and removing ‘water’ contaminants (see Methods ...
FASTA file containing the consensus DNA sequences for the 143 operational taxonomic units (OTU) gene...
Table S1 Sample identifying barcodes. Table S2 Species identification for fungal operational taxonom...
OTU table (for OTUs picked based on 97% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity) that forms the basis for mo...
A listing and annotation of the OTUs determined by ESPRITt analysis of the 454 16S data set. The fi...
OTU-table for 16S sequences amplified with the 515f/907r primer set. Only forward reads were used to...