Microarray data; chronic and pulsed stimulations of TNFalpha

  • Zambrano, Samuel
  • De Toma, Ilario
  • Piffer, Arianna
  • Bianchi, Marco E.
  • Agresti, Alessandra
Publication date
February 2016


GFP-p65 MEFs were either chronically or periodically stimulated (90' and 180' forcing periods) with TNF-alpha. RNA samples were extracted at selected timepoints using the Illustra RNAspin Mini kit (GE Healthcare). Following extraction, RIN (RNA Integrity Number) was >9 (BioAnalyser, Agilent RNA Nano Kit). RNA samples (500 ng) were reverse transcribed with the Illumina TotalPrep RNA Amplification Kit (Ambion) and copy RNA (cRNA) was generated with 14 hour in vitro transcription reactions and checked at the BioAnalyser. Washing, staining, and hybridization were performed according to standard Illumina protocols. cRNA samples were then hybridized to Illumina BeadChip Array MouseRefSeq-8 v2. BeadChips were scanned with BeadArray™ Reader in chan...

Extracted data

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