Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of A. ndalalani. Directory contains 1 .vcf file and 1 index file
File S1. VCF file with SNPs from BL3 WGS aligned to the bovine UMD3.1 reference assembl
<p>VCF files describing the mutations detected in the sixty-seven groups of BRCA1 reads when testing...
The L8_vcf_scaffold_1_to_2.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L8 and the i...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of A. grahami. Directory...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of A. latilabris. Direct...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference(O. niloticus)-aligned reads of A. alca...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of O. amphimelas. Direct...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. ndalalani. Director...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. grahami. Directory ...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of O. amphimelas. Directo...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. latilabris. Directo...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. alcalica. Directory...
The L1_vcf.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L1 and the index file for th...
The indel_vcf.tar.gz folder contains the filtered indel VCF files produced by GATK using the tool Un...
The L9_vcf.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L9 and the index file for th...
File S1. VCF file with SNPs from BL3 WGS aligned to the bovine UMD3.1 reference assembl
<p>VCF files describing the mutations detected in the sixty-seven groups of BRCA1 reads when testing...
The L8_vcf_scaffold_1_to_2.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L8 and the i...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of A. grahami. Directory...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of A. latilabris. Direct...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference(O. niloticus)-aligned reads of A. alca...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from reference-aligned reads of O. amphimelas. Direct...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. ndalalani. Director...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. grahami. Directory ...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of O. amphimelas. Directo...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. latilabris. Directo...
Directory containing the GATK output .vcf file from denovo-assembled reads of A. alcalica. Directory...
The L1_vcf.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L1 and the index file for th...
The indel_vcf.tar.gz folder contains the filtered indel VCF files produced by GATK using the tool Un...
The L9_vcf.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L9 and the index file for th...
File S1. VCF file with SNPs from BL3 WGS aligned to the bovine UMD3.1 reference assembl
<p>VCF files describing the mutations detected in the sixty-seven groups of BRCA1 reads when testing...
The L8_vcf_scaffold_1_to_2.tar.gz folder contains the compressed all-sites VCF file for L8 and the i...