Contains a file of RPKM expression data for each of the six species. APL = Anas platyrhynchos, ACY = Anser cygnoides, MGA = Meleagris gallopavo, NME = Numida meleagris, PCO = Phasianus colchicus, PCR = Pavo cristatus. Gene expression was quantified using only adult gonad samples and estimated as reads per kilobase per million mappable reads (RPKM) using RSEM v1.1.21 with default parameters (Li and Dewey 2011)
Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is a technique widely used to quantify th...
Reads per Kilobase per million reads (RPKMs) for the set of unique open reading frames: examples fro...
<p>Left: Global expression levels (based on third quartiles of the RPKM distribution) of genes in th...
Contains a vcf file for each of the six species. APL = Anas platyrhynchos, ACY = Anser cygnoides, MG...
Contains a fasta file of Trinity assembly contig sequences for each of the six species. APL = Anas p...
Species specific reference for downstream mapping (for estimating gene expression with RSEM) consist...
a<p>RPKM is a measure of gene expression level expressed as number of reads per 1-K base pairs and m...
a<p>RPKM is a measure of gene expression level expressed as number of reads per 1-K base pairs and m...
<p>A) The overall mapping and counting workflow. B) A hypothetical gene, its two isoforms and read c...
Published RPKM means (prefix “pub”), liver and BAT RPKM means from this study (prefix “local”), and ...
<p>Read counts, gene counts, and RPKM values of developing tilapia XX/XY gonads.</p
File is count data (expression level) output of Trinity contigs from RSEM for Heliconius melpomene. ...
A table of the normalized RPKM values for Agave deserti transcripts in various tissues
<p>Genes were grouped into eight log-scaled bins according to their expressions. Abbreviation: RPKM,...
The data is a matrix of read counts generated from an RNAseq analysis of six samples of H. armigera ...
Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is a technique widely used to quantify th...
Reads per Kilobase per million reads (RPKMs) for the set of unique open reading frames: examples fro...
<p>Left: Global expression levels (based on third quartiles of the RPKM distribution) of genes in th...
Contains a vcf file for each of the six species. APL = Anas platyrhynchos, ACY = Anser cygnoides, MG...
Contains a fasta file of Trinity assembly contig sequences for each of the six species. APL = Anas p...
Species specific reference for downstream mapping (for estimating gene expression with RSEM) consist...
a<p>RPKM is a measure of gene expression level expressed as number of reads per 1-K base pairs and m...
a<p>RPKM is a measure of gene expression level expressed as number of reads per 1-K base pairs and m...
<p>A) The overall mapping and counting workflow. B) A hypothetical gene, its two isoforms and read c...
Published RPKM means (prefix “pub”), liver and BAT RPKM means from this study (prefix “local”), and ...
<p>Read counts, gene counts, and RPKM values of developing tilapia XX/XY gonads.</p
File is count data (expression level) output of Trinity contigs from RSEM for Heliconius melpomene. ...
A table of the normalized RPKM values for Agave deserti transcripts in various tissues
<p>Genes were grouped into eight log-scaled bins according to their expressions. Abbreviation: RPKM,...
The data is a matrix of read counts generated from an RNAseq analysis of six samples of H. armigera ...
Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is a technique widely used to quantify th...
Reads per Kilobase per million reads (RPKMs) for the set of unique open reading frames: examples fro...
<p>Left: Global expression levels (based on third quartiles of the RPKM distribution) of genes in th...