Bayesian whole mitochondrial genome and control region phylogenies in nexus format
The phylogentic reconstructions based on nuclear genes and mitochondrial sequences.</p
Tree files for the Bayesian analysis (NEXUS format). All Bayesian analysis were conducted in BEAST v...
Sequences and alignments used for whole mitochondrial and control region phylogenies. Sequences file...
Bayesian whole mitochondrial genome and control region phylogenies in nexus format
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree built from the sample data set provided in Chapter 5 of <u>The ...
<p>Result of Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of three mitochondrial genes. Node numbers indicate Baye...
Phylogeny in NEXUS format, associated with dataset, based on combined molecular phylogenies (for ref...
Majority-rule consensus tree from bayesian analysis with MrBayes 3.2 in nexus format
The tree is based on analysis of the combined molecular matrix using MrBayes [76] with the BIC parti...
Nexus alignement file containing partial mitochondrial DNA control region sequence
Summary: MamMibase, the Mammalian Mitochondrial Genome Database, is a relational database of complet...
Nexus files of the mtDNA gene COI and and D-loop mtDNA control region that were used to compute the ...
Nexus file containing sequences for 19 whole mitochondrial genomes and a MrBayes block with MrBayes ...
Input nexus files (.nex) used for Bayesian phylogenetic inference for various datasets (mt=mitochond...
Two files: (1) whole mitogenome alignment in nexus format used for MrBayes phylogenetic analysis (r...
The phylogentic reconstructions based on nuclear genes and mitochondrial sequences.</p
Tree files for the Bayesian analysis (NEXUS format). All Bayesian analysis were conducted in BEAST v...
Sequences and alignments used for whole mitochondrial and control region phylogenies. Sequences file...
Bayesian whole mitochondrial genome and control region phylogenies in nexus format
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree built from the sample data set provided in Chapter 5 of <u>The ...
<p>Result of Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of three mitochondrial genes. Node numbers indicate Baye...
Phylogeny in NEXUS format, associated with dataset, based on combined molecular phylogenies (for ref...
Majority-rule consensus tree from bayesian analysis with MrBayes 3.2 in nexus format
The tree is based on analysis of the combined molecular matrix using MrBayes [76] with the BIC parti...
Nexus alignement file containing partial mitochondrial DNA control region sequence
Summary: MamMibase, the Mammalian Mitochondrial Genome Database, is a relational database of complet...
Nexus files of the mtDNA gene COI and and D-loop mtDNA control region that were used to compute the ...
Nexus file containing sequences for 19 whole mitochondrial genomes and a MrBayes block with MrBayes ...
Input nexus files (.nex) used for Bayesian phylogenetic inference for various datasets (mt=mitochond...
Two files: (1) whole mitogenome alignment in nexus format used for MrBayes phylogenetic analysis (r...
The phylogentic reconstructions based on nuclear genes and mitochondrial sequences.</p
Tree files for the Bayesian analysis (NEXUS format). All Bayesian analysis were conducted in BEAST v...
Sequences and alignments used for whole mitochondrial and control region phylogenies. Sequences file...