Landscape distances and variables included in each least-cost path (LCP) between study sites of Amietia wittei and Amietia angolensis calculated in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI). For each LCP model between pairs of sites (rows) the following variables (columns) were calculated: topography-corrected route lengths (distance); weighted-average values of compound topographic index (cti), roughness (rough) and slope; proportions of cropland, homegarden, human settlements, erica shrubs, forest, disturbed forest, reforestation and grassland. A 30 x 30 m digital elevation model (DEM) produced by J.A. Ong'injo, C. Lambrechts and A. Help was use for calculating resistance surfaces. Stream network was delineated using the "flow accumulation" tool in ArcGIS 10 (ESR...