HapMap hmp file generated by UNEAK (Universal Network Enabled Analysis Kit) filter with default setting
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Triplinerviae filtered for SNPs present in at least 70% of sampl...
Haruspex (version 1.0 190116) analysis for SARS-CoV rna_polymerase-nsp7-nsp8 , pdb entry 6nur , emdb...
Supplementary .lzma file containing weight files for hvae detector and classifie
HapMap hmp file generated by UNEAK (Universal Network Enabled Analysis Kit) filter with default sett...
HapMap hmc files generated by UNEAK (Universal Network Enabled Analysis Kit) filter with default set...
A hapmap file containing SNPs for the same data set, but in this case reads were filtered with a dep...
This file contains the series of bash commands used to filter uneak output to call genotypes using m...
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Junceae filtered for SNPs present in at least 30% of samples
A hapmap (text) file containing all of the SNPs and their genotypes in each individual that were use...
<p>hg38 DOHH2 H3K27ac ChIP-seq Dataset filtered for Unique Multiread Mappability at a threshold of ....
<p>hg38 DOHH2 H3K27me3 ChIP-seq Dataset filtered for Unique Multiread Mappability at a threshold of ...
The file contains all of the SNP data used in our article. The files named HapMap.fas.txt, HapMap.hm...
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Triplinerviae filtered for SNPs present in at least 30% of sampl...
<p>hg38 DOHH2 CTCF ChIP-seq Dataset filtered for Unique Multiread Mappability at a threshold of .75 ...
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Squarrosae filtered for SNPs present in at least 30% of samples
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Triplinerviae filtered for SNPs present in at least 70% of sampl...
Haruspex (version 1.0 190116) analysis for SARS-CoV rna_polymerase-nsp7-nsp8 , pdb entry 6nur , emdb...
Supplementary .lzma file containing weight files for hvae detector and classifie
HapMap hmp file generated by UNEAK (Universal Network Enabled Analysis Kit) filter with default sett...
HapMap hmc files generated by UNEAK (Universal Network Enabled Analysis Kit) filter with default set...
A hapmap file containing SNPs for the same data set, but in this case reads were filtered with a dep...
This file contains the series of bash commands used to filter uneak output to call genotypes using m...
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Junceae filtered for SNPs present in at least 30% of samples
A hapmap (text) file containing all of the SNPs and their genotypes in each individual that were use...
<p>hg38 DOHH2 H3K27ac ChIP-seq Dataset filtered for Unique Multiread Mappability at a threshold of ....
<p>hg38 DOHH2 H3K27me3 ChIP-seq Dataset filtered for Unique Multiread Mappability at a threshold of ...
The file contains all of the SNP data used in our article. The files named HapMap.fas.txt, HapMap.hm...
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Triplinerviae filtered for SNPs present in at least 30% of sampl...
<p>hg38 DOHH2 CTCF ChIP-seq Dataset filtered for Unique Multiread Mappability at a threshold of .75 ...
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Squarrosae filtered for SNPs present in at least 30% of samples
Hapmap file for Solidago subsection Triplinerviae filtered for SNPs present in at least 70% of sampl...
Haruspex (version 1.0 190116) analysis for SARS-CoV rna_polymerase-nsp7-nsp8 , pdb entry 6nur , emdb...
Supplementary .lzma file containing weight files for hvae detector and classifie