Management, Krannert School of.Typed on label on back of photograph: The Indiana Bell/Ameritech group at the Krannert Alumni Indianapolis Alumni Reception, May 13, 1985, at the Skyline Club (AUL building): (front row, left to right) Rick Gilbert (BSM '78), IB; Bob Walters (BSM '83), A; Kim Kraft (BSM '84), IB; Jeff Moore (BSM '81), A. Back row, left to right: Jim Dodson (BSM '83), IB; John Mohr (BSIM '75), IB; Ray Humke, president, IB, and member of Krannert Dean's Advisory Council; Mike Poor (BSM '78), IB; Fred Hunn (MSIM '62), vice pres, IB.Krannert School of Managemen