Raw digitized coordinates of Smilodon fatalis mandibles for geometric morphometric data analysis
This is a tps. file containing 2-D digitized landmarks for the mandibles (lower jaws) of 107 Mesozoi...
Geometric morphometric raw and procrustes coordinates of the landmark configurations for first molar...
Raw data used for geometric morphometric analyses (landmark coordinates in .tps format for import in...
Phi prime temporalis angle measurements taken from the coronoid process height on Smilodon fatalis m...
tps input file with landmark coordinates used for geometric morphometric on lower pharyngeal jaw
Landmarks from geometric morphometrics for analysis of wild-caught male genitali
These are the original point coordinates (in tps format) used in a geometric morphometric analysis o...
Input data file containing the two dimensional coordinates of the twelve landmarks used in the morph...
Landmark coordinates for geometric morphometric analysis. Both raw data and data following procruste...
Landmarks coordinates of the fore- and hindwings of each individuals used in the morphometric analys...
Landmark based geometric morphometric analysis showing the variation of the body shapes among specie...
SUPPLEMENTAL DATA—X,Y,Z coordinates for all 52 blastoids used in the morphometric analysis. All thir...
This folder contains the x,y,z coordinates of points on female mesostigmal plates used for 3-D geome...
This file contains x and y co-ordinates of A. alluaudi lower pharyngeal jaws (LPJ) used in geometric...
This ZIP folder contains raw coordinates of landmarks used to characterize shape variation of the di...
This is a tps. file containing 2-D digitized landmarks for the mandibles (lower jaws) of 107 Mesozoi...
Geometric morphometric raw and procrustes coordinates of the landmark configurations for first molar...
Raw data used for geometric morphometric analyses (landmark coordinates in .tps format for import in...
Phi prime temporalis angle measurements taken from the coronoid process height on Smilodon fatalis m...
tps input file with landmark coordinates used for geometric morphometric on lower pharyngeal jaw
Landmarks from geometric morphometrics for analysis of wild-caught male genitali
These are the original point coordinates (in tps format) used in a geometric morphometric analysis o...
Input data file containing the two dimensional coordinates of the twelve landmarks used in the morph...
Landmark coordinates for geometric morphometric analysis. Both raw data and data following procruste...
Landmarks coordinates of the fore- and hindwings of each individuals used in the morphometric analys...
Landmark based geometric morphometric analysis showing the variation of the body shapes among specie...
SUPPLEMENTAL DATA—X,Y,Z coordinates for all 52 blastoids used in the morphometric analysis. All thir...
This folder contains the x,y,z coordinates of points on female mesostigmal plates used for 3-D geome...
This file contains x and y co-ordinates of A. alluaudi lower pharyngeal jaws (LPJ) used in geometric...
This ZIP folder contains raw coordinates of landmarks used to characterize shape variation of the di...
This is a tps. file containing 2-D digitized landmarks for the mandibles (lower jaws) of 107 Mesozoi...
Geometric morphometric raw and procrustes coordinates of the landmark configurations for first molar...
Raw data used for geometric morphometric analyses (landmark coordinates in .tps format for import in...