txt-file with bite force data collected in the field. abbreviations: FA=forearm length; Species: 1= male; 2= femal; Sex: f = female; m= male; mean bite force = mean; maximal bite force= max; upper toothrow length= CM³
Erickson, Gregory M., Van Kirk, Samuel D., Su, Jinntung, Levenston, Marc E., Caler, William E., Cart...
This file contains the raw data from 14 biomechanical measurements, taken from the mandibles of 107 ...
Raw data used to create the figures and tables presented in the manuscript entitled "The force-lengt...
This file contains the raw dental microwear data, counts of numbers of scratches and pits and total ...
Data on biteforce (unitless measure) in relation to head width for individuals from different popula...
Characteristics of animal bite injuries by gender, age and region; 2013–2015.</p
Data for each individual used in morphology and force correlations, including: sex, body length, bod...
excel file with weight lifting performance data collected from bats in the lab. FA= forearm length
Abbreviations: AMVBF: anterior maximum voluntary bite force; JIA: juvenile idiopathic arthritis; SD:...
The masticatory function is acquired by eating experiences and is especially influenced by the consi...
<p>Abbreviations: I, incisor; M1, first molar; M2, second molar; M3, third molar; PM, premolar.</p
Field measurements of bite forces at low and wide gapes for bats, and input and output data of 3D bi...
Análise da força de mordida nos diferentes tipos de maloclusões dentárias, segundo Angl
Description of the 4 data files: All files are tables into a text files and are comma delimited. The...
<p>Estimates of bite force generated by the high resolution FEMs, plotted against outlever length (d...
Erickson, Gregory M., Van Kirk, Samuel D., Su, Jinntung, Levenston, Marc E., Caler, William E., Cart...
This file contains the raw data from 14 biomechanical measurements, taken from the mandibles of 107 ...
Raw data used to create the figures and tables presented in the manuscript entitled "The force-lengt...
This file contains the raw dental microwear data, counts of numbers of scratches and pits and total ...
Data on biteforce (unitless measure) in relation to head width for individuals from different popula...
Characteristics of animal bite injuries by gender, age and region; 2013–2015.</p
Data for each individual used in morphology and force correlations, including: sex, body length, bod...
excel file with weight lifting performance data collected from bats in the lab. FA= forearm length
Abbreviations: AMVBF: anterior maximum voluntary bite force; JIA: juvenile idiopathic arthritis; SD:...
The masticatory function is acquired by eating experiences and is especially influenced by the consi...
<p>Abbreviations: I, incisor; M1, first molar; M2, second molar; M3, third molar; PM, premolar.</p
Field measurements of bite forces at low and wide gapes for bats, and input and output data of 3D bi...
Análise da força de mordida nos diferentes tipos de maloclusões dentárias, segundo Angl
Description of the 4 data files: All files are tables into a text files and are comma delimited. The...
<p>Estimates of bite force generated by the high resolution FEMs, plotted against outlever length (d...
Erickson, Gregory M., Van Kirk, Samuel D., Su, Jinntung, Levenston, Marc E., Caler, William E., Cart...
This file contains the raw data from 14 biomechanical measurements, taken from the mandibles of 107 ...
Raw data used to create the figures and tables presented in the manuscript entitled "The force-lengt...