Pada dasarnya konsep pembagian harta warisan dalam Islam dilaksanakan ketika pewaris telah meninggal dunia. Namun, pada praktiknya banyak terjadi bahwa kewarisan dilaksanakan oleh pewaris dalam hal ini adalah orang tua kepada anaknya ketika orang tua masih hidup dengan menggunakan usaha alternatif berupa hibah. Hal ini telah diberikan legalisasi dengan dirumuskannya Pasal 211 dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam, yang seakan memberikan legalisasi terhadap praktik kewarisan dengan menabrak ortodoksi konsep kewarisan Islam yang sudah baku. Tulisan ini hadir untuk menelaah substansi dan menakar nilai-nilai hukum yang termaktub dalam Pasal 211 Kompilasi Hukum Islam dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermenutika hukum. Sehingga, permasalahan pokok dalam tulis...
Islamic inheritance law is influenced by the sociological conditions of the community and the subjec...
Historically, the division of the estate had been there before Islam (pre-Islamic), The system is a ...
This article purpose to find out that children of different religions have the right to inheritance ...
Pada dasarnya konsep pembagian harta warisan dalam Islam dilaksanakan ketika pewaris telah meninggal...
Pada dasarnya konsep pembagian harta warisan dalam Islam dilaksanakan ketika pewaris telah meninggal...
Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa dike...
Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa dike...
Hukum Waris Islam telah diatur dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang berdasarkan pada Alqur’an, Hadist, I...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
In Islamic inheritance law is a law derived from the Al-Qur’an the truth of the doctrine or theory i...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
In Islamic inheritance law is a law derived from the Al-Qur'an the truth of the doctrine or theory i...
Islamic inheritance law is influenced by the sociological conditions of the community and the subjec...
Historically, the division of the estate had been there before Islam (pre-Islamic), The system is a ...
This article purpose to find out that children of different religions have the right to inheritance ...
Pada dasarnya konsep pembagian harta warisan dalam Islam dilaksanakan ketika pewaris telah meninggal...
Pada dasarnya konsep pembagian harta warisan dalam Islam dilaksanakan ketika pewaris telah meninggal...
Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa dike...
Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa dike...
Hukum Waris Islam telah diatur dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang berdasarkan pada Alqur’an, Hadist, I...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
In Islamic inheritance law is a law derived from the Al-Qur’an the truth of the doctrine or theory i...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
There is a fundamental difference between the rules in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence with the ru...
In Islamic inheritance law is a law derived from the Al-Qur'an the truth of the doctrine or theory i...
Islamic inheritance law is influenced by the sociological conditions of the community and the subjec...
Historically, the division of the estate had been there before Islam (pre-Islamic), The system is a ...
This article purpose to find out that children of different religions have the right to inheritance ...