In Argentina, the First World War inspired countless expressions by intellectuals, newspapers and cultural magazines in terms of their positions regarding the war. The most prestigious Buenos Aires city magazines afforded the European struggle significant room for reflection which was developed in a parallel manner to/simultaneously with other issues which gave meaning to such publications since their foundation. The magazine La Nota, has the distinctive feature of having been founded in 1915 aimed at supporting the cause of France and England – who, according to its articles, portrayed such civilian values as respect for individual freedom and democratic practices– although its founder, Emir Emin Arslán, was a diplomat and immigrant from t...
Análisis de la relación entre el internacionalismo como identidad y los procesos de nacionalización....
The paper proposes a revision of the discourse and practice of the National Catholicism in the Argen...
La difusión intencionada de unos telegramas secretos del encargado de negocios alemán en Buenos Aire...
During the First World War the belligerent powers made use of a great variety of propaganda resource...
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial las potencias beligerantes recurrieron a una multiplicidad de recu...
Este artículo analiza el tratamiento sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) por parte de la rev...
During the 1898 war between Spain and the United States caused by the last Spanish colonial pos...
The First World War was a global media event. Several magazines with different aims and takes report...
This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the li...
This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the li...
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los emprendimientos editoriales y la publicación de revista...
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende analizar el impacto de la Gran Guerra –a través de textos e imágenes-...
The exile Spanish Civil War gave birth to hundreds of Republican magazines and newspapers. Two of th...
La Gran Guerra europea de 1914-1918 tuvo numerosas repercusiones en la Argentina, cuyo recuerdo y an...
This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the li...
Análisis de la relación entre el internacionalismo como identidad y los procesos de nacionalización....
The paper proposes a revision of the discourse and practice of the National Catholicism in the Argen...
La difusión intencionada de unos telegramas secretos del encargado de negocios alemán en Buenos Aire...
During the First World War the belligerent powers made use of a great variety of propaganda resource...
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial las potencias beligerantes recurrieron a una multiplicidad de recu...
Este artículo analiza el tratamiento sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) por parte de la rev...
During the 1898 war between Spain and the United States caused by the last Spanish colonial pos...
The First World War was a global media event. Several magazines with different aims and takes report...
This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the li...
This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the li...
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los emprendimientos editoriales y la publicación de revista...
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende analizar el impacto de la Gran Guerra –a través de textos e imágenes-...
The exile Spanish Civil War gave birth to hundreds of Republican magazines and newspapers. Two of th...
La Gran Guerra europea de 1914-1918 tuvo numerosas repercusiones en la Argentina, cuyo recuerdo y an...
This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the li...
Análisis de la relación entre el internacionalismo como identidad y los procesos de nacionalización....
The paper proposes a revision of the discourse and practice of the National Catholicism in the Argen...
La difusión intencionada de unos telegramas secretos del encargado de negocios alemán en Buenos Aire...