The review reports data on the synthesis of fluorine-containing α-aminophosphonates based on available organophosphorus and fluoroorganic compounds, some of their chemical properties and biological activity.Обобщены собственные данные о синтезе фторсодержащих α-аминофосфонатов на основе доступных фосфорорганических и фторорганических соединений, некоторые их химические свойства и биологическая активность
В роботі приведені результати іонообмінного розділення сульфатів та нітратів, хлоридів та нітратів, ...
The paper discusses the role of glutathione-dependent processes in redox regulation of drug resistan...
The cyclocondensation of 1-acetylferrocene was studied in the presence of p -toluenesulfonic acid un...
It was found that the 1,8-bis(N-amino-N,N-dimethylammonium)-3,6-dioxaoctane dibromide was effective ...
Homogeneous hydrogenation studies of (NO2)1–2−C6H3–4−L nitro compounds (where L = −H, −NH2, −COOH, −...
Магистърска теза, защитена в СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", Факултет по химия и фармация, Катедра Физико...
This review presents recent data on the specifics aspects of the pharmacokinetics, metabolism and bi...
α-Thioureidoalkylation of enolates of cyclic β-oxoesters using reaction of N-[(phenyl)(tosyl)methyl]...
The article presents the results of a comparative evaluation of various substances toxicity paramete...
The results of molecular diagnostics phytoplasmas and fusariums on some grape varieties from differe...
This paper deal with our on-going work on the electronic spectroscopy of tetrapyrrole molecules embe...
This review summarizes data on the reactions of chromones and activated alkenes with trimethyl(trifl...
The investigation of three preparations: triphenyl (α, β) naftilmetilphosphoniyhlorid pertaining to ...
Рассматриваются материалы по величине запасов, динамике и интенсивности плодоношения в природных поп...
Работа посвящена изучению фитопротекторных свойств ИУК-продуцирующего штамма ризосферных микрооргани...
В роботі приведені результати іонообмінного розділення сульфатів та нітратів, хлоридів та нітратів, ...
The paper discusses the role of glutathione-dependent processes in redox regulation of drug resistan...
The cyclocondensation of 1-acetylferrocene was studied in the presence of p -toluenesulfonic acid un...
It was found that the 1,8-bis(N-amino-N,N-dimethylammonium)-3,6-dioxaoctane dibromide was effective ...
Homogeneous hydrogenation studies of (NO2)1–2−C6H3–4−L nitro compounds (where L = −H, −NH2, −COOH, −...
Магистърска теза, защитена в СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", Факултет по химия и фармация, Катедра Физико...
This review presents recent data on the specifics aspects of the pharmacokinetics, metabolism and bi...
α-Thioureidoalkylation of enolates of cyclic β-oxoesters using reaction of N-[(phenyl)(tosyl)methyl]...
The article presents the results of a comparative evaluation of various substances toxicity paramete...
The results of molecular diagnostics phytoplasmas and fusariums on some grape varieties from differe...
This paper deal with our on-going work on the electronic spectroscopy of tetrapyrrole molecules embe...
This review summarizes data on the reactions of chromones and activated alkenes with trimethyl(trifl...
The investigation of three preparations: triphenyl (α, β) naftilmetilphosphoniyhlorid pertaining to ...
Рассматриваются материалы по величине запасов, динамике и интенсивности плодоношения в природных поп...
Работа посвящена изучению фитопротекторных свойств ИУК-продуцирующего штамма ризосферных микрооргани...
В роботі приведені результати іонообмінного розділення сульфатів та нітратів, хлоридів та нітратів, ...
The paper discusses the role of glutathione-dependent processes in redox regulation of drug resistan...
The cyclocondensation of 1-acetylferrocene was studied in the presence of p -toluenesulfonic acid un...