I Danmark ses en stigning i antallet af medarbejdere, der får anmeldt en sygdom som arbejdsskade. Psykiske helbredsproblemer og muskel- og skeletbesvær vurderes at være de største udfordringer i arbejdsmiljøet i Danmark med omkostningerne på 60-80 mia. kr. årligt. Arbejdspladsens håndtering, herunder leders og kollegaers, er afgørende for, om medarbejderen vender tilbage til arbejdspladsen. I denne artikel undersøges, hvordan medarbejdere med arbejdsrelateret sygdom oplever arbejdspladsens håndtering, herunder hvorvidt forskellige aktører inddrages, hvilken indsats der ydes, og om der er forskel afhængig af, om det er en psykisk sygdom, rygsygdom eller hudsygdom.Mental health and musculoskeletal disorders constitute the largest health and s...
There is evidence that mental health as a cause of sickness absenteeism and work disability may be i...
textabstractPurpose: This study investigates whether common diseases, i.e., musculoskeletal diseases...
Objective: The Dutch population is healthy in terms of living and working conditions, but the levels...
Absence from work and disability represent a major social problem in Norway today. The first part of...
Background: Prevalence of mental disorders at work is commonly reported on the subclinical level. Da...
Belastninger i det psykiske arbejdsmiljø er en udfordring i både dansk og europæisk kontekst, og ant...
This study deals with the complex phenomenon of occupational health. There is knowledge of how a goo...
Psykiske lidelser er sammen med bevægeapparatlidelser de to største diagnostiske grupper i sygefravæ...
BACKGROUND: Health problems due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and common mental disorders (CMD)...
The aim of this study was to examine if and how the psychosocial work environment has affect on sick...
Op gennem nullerne var det en udbredt antagelse at sygefraværet i Danmark var højt og stigende, og s...
Employees who stay home from work because of mental illness are an increasing number in Sweden. One ...
Pain related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) can challenge the performance of daily work tasks. M...
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze some of the factors that could explain the fac...
Background: Challenges related to an increase in sick leave has led to a new focus on the workplace ...
There is evidence that mental health as a cause of sickness absenteeism and work disability may be i...
textabstractPurpose: This study investigates whether common diseases, i.e., musculoskeletal diseases...
Objective: The Dutch population is healthy in terms of living and working conditions, but the levels...
Absence from work and disability represent a major social problem in Norway today. The first part of...
Background: Prevalence of mental disorders at work is commonly reported on the subclinical level. Da...
Belastninger i det psykiske arbejdsmiljø er en udfordring i både dansk og europæisk kontekst, og ant...
This study deals with the complex phenomenon of occupational health. There is knowledge of how a goo...
Psykiske lidelser er sammen med bevægeapparatlidelser de to største diagnostiske grupper i sygefravæ...
BACKGROUND: Health problems due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and common mental disorders (CMD)...
The aim of this study was to examine if and how the psychosocial work environment has affect on sick...
Op gennem nullerne var det en udbredt antagelse at sygefraværet i Danmark var højt og stigende, og s...
Employees who stay home from work because of mental illness are an increasing number in Sweden. One ...
Pain related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) can challenge the performance of daily work tasks. M...
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze some of the factors that could explain the fac...
Background: Challenges related to an increase in sick leave has led to a new focus on the workplace ...
There is evidence that mental health as a cause of sickness absenteeism and work disability may be i...
textabstractPurpose: This study investigates whether common diseases, i.e., musculoskeletal diseases...
Objective: The Dutch population is healthy in terms of living and working conditions, but the levels...