It will be argued that, despite their obvious anchoring in verbal communication based on linguistic signs (symbols), Directives, i.e. Requests and Offers, have more in common with gestures which primarily involve indexes and icons. It will be demonstrated that this type of speech act should be interpreted as consisting of three indexical sign types: (1) a symptom that points at the speaker and goes back in time; (2) a signal that points at the hearer and goes forward in time; and (3) a model that points at a situation and is timeless, because it can be used at any time. On this basis, a speech act process model for communicationbased problem solving is created specifically for declarative Directives
Slagmark! Jeg kan godt lide det navn. Ikke fordi jeg føler mig specielt krigerisk eller modig, men f...
Denne manualen er dels en oversettelse og tilpasning av Gundersen, moynahan og Strømgrens upublisert...
This study is a comparison of L2 Danish, L1 Danish and L1 German use of exclamation marks that seeks...
This work is divided into two parts - a practical/technical view of communication, followed by a cha...
Communication style on signs in public spaces reflects the sociocultural values of a speech communit...
Five theses about sign systems and articulation: It is shown that although most sign systems with si...
On a systemic functional background this paper presents two central interpersonal resources in Danis...
I denne innledningen defineres termene pragmatisk partikkel og pragmatisk markør, og en del alminnel...
Human communication comprises a precise coordination between speech, gaze and gesture. To investigat...
Aims. Speech and language therapists can use manual signs in the speech therapy of children with hea...
I ytringer i befalende språkhandlinger i norsk tegnspråkmiljø forekommer detmodifiserte verbtegn. De...
The present paper focuses on some frequent Swedish thank formulas that do not seem to fit the patter...
The article compares directive utterances from Danish film-dialogues with their translations into Ru...
Bidraget giver et bud på, hvad under socialetik - principperne for et samfunds mentalitet - skal for...
Abstract Detta examensarbete undersöker förskollärares erfarenhet och tankar om användning av icke-v...
Slagmark! Jeg kan godt lide det navn. Ikke fordi jeg føler mig specielt krigerisk eller modig, men f...
Denne manualen er dels en oversettelse og tilpasning av Gundersen, moynahan og Strømgrens upublisert...
This study is a comparison of L2 Danish, L1 Danish and L1 German use of exclamation marks that seeks...
This work is divided into two parts - a practical/technical view of communication, followed by a cha...
Communication style on signs in public spaces reflects the sociocultural values of a speech communit...
Five theses about sign systems and articulation: It is shown that although most sign systems with si...
On a systemic functional background this paper presents two central interpersonal resources in Danis...
I denne innledningen defineres termene pragmatisk partikkel og pragmatisk markør, og en del alminnel...
Human communication comprises a precise coordination between speech, gaze and gesture. To investigat...
Aims. Speech and language therapists can use manual signs in the speech therapy of children with hea...
I ytringer i befalende språkhandlinger i norsk tegnspråkmiljø forekommer detmodifiserte verbtegn. De...
The present paper focuses on some frequent Swedish thank formulas that do not seem to fit the patter...
The article compares directive utterances from Danish film-dialogues with their translations into Ru...
Bidraget giver et bud på, hvad under socialetik - principperne for et samfunds mentalitet - skal for...
Abstract Detta examensarbete undersöker förskollärares erfarenhet och tankar om användning av icke-v...
Slagmark! Jeg kan godt lide det navn. Ikke fordi jeg føler mig specielt krigerisk eller modig, men f...
Denne manualen er dels en oversettelse og tilpasning av Gundersen, moynahan og Strømgrens upublisert...
This study is a comparison of L2 Danish, L1 Danish and L1 German use of exclamation marks that seeks...