This paper is a little mathematical study of some models of concurrency. The most elementary one is the concept of an independence structure, which is nothing but a set L with a binary, irreflexive and symmetric relation on it, the independence relation. This leads to the notion of a trace: a string of elements of L, modulo the equivalence generated by swapping adjacent, independent elements of the string. There are two aspects of finite traces: they form an order, hence a topology; on the other hand they form a monoid, a quotient of the free monoid on L. Unfortunately, these two points of view are hard to bring together, since the monoid structure can never be continuous or even order-preserving. It is therefore not surprising that many pa...
Traces and their extension called combined traces (comtraces) are two formalmodels used in the analy...
AbstractWe show in this article that some concepts from homotopy theory, in algebraic topology, are ...
The notion of trace in a monoidal category has been introduced to give a categorical account of a si...
AbstractAs was noted by Mazurkiewicz, traces constitute a convenient tool for describing finite beha...
AbstractThe theory of traces, originated by A. Mazurkiewicz in 1977, is an attempt to provide a math...
AbstractPartially commutative monoids, also called trace monoids, are among the most-studied formali...
AbstractThe present paper characterizes the topological structure of real traces. This is done in te...
AbstractAn automaton with concurrency relations A is a labelled transition system with a collection ...
AbstractThe main results of the present paper are the equivalence of definability by monadic second-...
79 pagesParallelism and concurrency are fundamental concepts in computer science. Specif...
In the study of behaviours of concurrent systems, traces are sets of behaviourally equivalent action...
AbstractMazurkiewicz traces are one of the simplest non-interleaving model of executions. For some s...
AbstractAutomata with concurrency relations A are labelled transition systems with a collection of b...
AbstractThere is a straightforward generalization of traces to infinite traces as dependence graphs ...
AbstractEvent structures are a poset-based model for describing the behaviour of distributed systems...
Traces and their extension called combined traces (comtraces) are two formalmodels used in the analy...
AbstractWe show in this article that some concepts from homotopy theory, in algebraic topology, are ...
The notion of trace in a monoidal category has been introduced to give a categorical account of a si...
AbstractAs was noted by Mazurkiewicz, traces constitute a convenient tool for describing finite beha...
AbstractThe theory of traces, originated by A. Mazurkiewicz in 1977, is an attempt to provide a math...
AbstractPartially commutative monoids, also called trace monoids, are among the most-studied formali...
AbstractThe present paper characterizes the topological structure of real traces. This is done in te...
AbstractAn automaton with concurrency relations A is a labelled transition system with a collection ...
AbstractThe main results of the present paper are the equivalence of definability by monadic second-...
79 pagesParallelism and concurrency are fundamental concepts in computer science. Specif...
In the study of behaviours of concurrent systems, traces are sets of behaviourally equivalent action...
AbstractMazurkiewicz traces are one of the simplest non-interleaving model of executions. For some s...
AbstractAutomata with concurrency relations A are labelled transition systems with a collection of b...
AbstractThere is a straightforward generalization of traces to infinite traces as dependence graphs ...
AbstractEvent structures are a poset-based model for describing the behaviour of distributed systems...
Traces and their extension called combined traces (comtraces) are two formalmodels used in the analy...
AbstractWe show in this article that some concepts from homotopy theory, in algebraic topology, are ...
The notion of trace in a monoidal category has been introduced to give a categorical account of a si...