On Grundtvig the PoetBy Finn Stein LarsenA detailed review of Grundtvig the Poet by the poet and critic Poul Borum (284 pages, Gyldendal, 200 Dkr.). The reviewer is himself a critic on a daily paper and like Borum has “ a passion for Grundtvig and modern poetry” . Stein Larsen praises the treatment of New Year's Morn and of the hymns. Borum is “privy to” Grundtvig’s thoughts and has “a willing ear for what he says” . One particular feature he draws attention to in Grundtvig is a “ continually fresh process of name-giving” . Drawing on the critic Paul de Man he quotes Mallarmé and Stefan George. Grundtvig gives the words a purer meaning and can find his own names for things.The reviewer stresses that “Grundtvig’s imagery is also and always c...