DANSK RESUME: Efter en kort præsentation af Frazers liv, karriere og indhol-det i hans hovedværk, The Golden Bough, diskuteres dels Frazers treleddede evo-lutionsskema (magi-religion-videnskab), dels anvendeligheden af værkets akkumu-lerede mytologisk-folkloristiske materiale. Frazers komparative tilgang kontraste-res med Claude Lévi-Strauss’ i dennes Mythologiques, hvori der kan antages at spores en frazersk inspiration. Frazers evolutionsskema kontrasteres med Robert Bellahs skemas to første faser, tribal og arkaisk religion.ENGLISH SUMMARY: Following a brief presentation of Frazer's life and career and the content of his main work, The Golden Bough, the article discusses Frazer’s evolutionary schema (magic-religion-science) and the usefu...
The following article is an attempt to reflect on the changes that have taken place within the Histo...
Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publish...
Artiklen præsenterer og diskuterer to artikler af den amerikanske religionssociolog Robert Bel...
ENGLISH SUMMARY: A presentation of Philippe Descola’s model of four ontol-ogies (animism, tot...
Anmeldelse af: Jason A. Josephson-Storm, The Myth of Disenchantment. Magic, Modernity, and the Birth...
Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk Tidsskrift. Also available from the publish...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The collective work The Axial Age and Its Consequences contains contributions by C...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Robert Bellah’s theory of religion and cultural evolution is illus-trated with thr...
Om dominerende tendenser i religionshistorisk forskning, beskrevet som tre faser fra 1970’erne til 2...
The present article excavates a central question in the thought of Jakob Böhme (1575-1624): How is i...
I denne artikel præsenterer jeg noget data for Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrifts virke de sidste 4...
Artiklen præsenterer et galleri af trefunktionelle tænkere til inspiration i Hans Jørgen Lundager Je...
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction to the work of Peter Sloterdijk, with special attention to his ideas o...
Igennem det meste af det 20. årh. har akademisk religionsteori været baseret på et...
This article aims at describing Wittgenstein’s notion of religion. The point of departure is taken i...
The following article is an attempt to reflect on the changes that have taken place within the Histo...
Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publish...
Artiklen præsenterer og diskuterer to artikler af den amerikanske religionssociolog Robert Bel...
ENGLISH SUMMARY: A presentation of Philippe Descola’s model of four ontol-ogies (animism, tot...
Anmeldelse af: Jason A. Josephson-Storm, The Myth of Disenchantment. Magic, Modernity, and the Birth...
Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk Tidsskrift. Also available from the publish...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The collective work The Axial Age and Its Consequences contains contributions by C...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Robert Bellah’s theory of religion and cultural evolution is illus-trated with thr...
Om dominerende tendenser i religionshistorisk forskning, beskrevet som tre faser fra 1970’erne til 2...
The present article excavates a central question in the thought of Jakob Böhme (1575-1624): How is i...
I denne artikel præsenterer jeg noget data for Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrifts virke de sidste 4...
Artiklen præsenterer et galleri af trefunktionelle tænkere til inspiration i Hans Jørgen Lundager Je...
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction to the work of Peter Sloterdijk, with special attention to his ideas o...
Igennem det meste af det 20. årh. har akademisk religionsteori været baseret på et...
This article aims at describing Wittgenstein’s notion of religion. The point of departure is taken i...
The following article is an attempt to reflect on the changes that have taken place within the Histo...
Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publish...
Artiklen præsenterer og diskuterer to artikler af den amerikanske religionssociolog Robert Bel...