The Danish model of religion designates the conditional ways according to which the Danish national church and other parts of the system of religion are unfolded in Danish society. The special constitutional position of the national church and its dominance in terms of demography of religion explains why the national church constitutes the core of the Danish model of religion. Between this churchly core and the surrounding society the Danish model of religion has a mediate space, which harbours a number of groups and actors who are part of the model of religion, though without a central position in it. The article discusses the historical development of the Danish model of religion and its characteristics. Additionally, it provides some exa...
In this article I analyse three types of borders in the Norwegian model of religion, as they are exp...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 500th anniversary of the onset of the Lutheran reformation was celebrated in D...
Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i mit bachelorprojekt, der med inddragelse af en valgmenighed og en...
Where and in what context Danes accept religion is dependent upon their attitudes toward the boundar...
The organization and work of The Danish National Church form the core of the Danish model of religio...
From the perspective of sociology of religion, the Danish churches abroad are similar to other migra...
By an analysis of the Danish Humanist Society and the Danish Atheist Society, the aim of this contri...
Through an analysis of the document Debatoplæg fra Udvalget om en mere sammenhængende og moderne sty...
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Membership of the Danish National Church has declined steadily but has not until no...
Religion og religiøse problemstillinger diskuteres intensivt i de danske medier, og politiker...
Artiklen beskæftiger sig med påstanden om, at luthersk kristendom er en vigtig foruds&ae...
Gender equality that is integral to the values of the Danish society may conflict with respect for t...
This article examines cases of interaction between the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Denmark (Folke...
The Christmas tree a air in Kokkedal began in November 2012, when the Muslim majority in the board o...
Denne artikel præsenterer to cases for at belyse forandringsmønstre i folkekirkekristendommen i Danm...
In this article I analyse three types of borders in the Norwegian model of religion, as they are exp...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 500th anniversary of the onset of the Lutheran reformation was celebrated in D...
Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i mit bachelorprojekt, der med inddragelse af en valgmenighed og en...
Where and in what context Danes accept religion is dependent upon their attitudes toward the boundar...
The organization and work of The Danish National Church form the core of the Danish model of religio...
From the perspective of sociology of religion, the Danish churches abroad are similar to other migra...
By an analysis of the Danish Humanist Society and the Danish Atheist Society, the aim of this contri...
Through an analysis of the document Debatoplæg fra Udvalget om en mere sammenhængende og moderne sty...
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Membership of the Danish National Church has declined steadily but has not until no...
Religion og religiøse problemstillinger diskuteres intensivt i de danske medier, og politiker...
Artiklen beskæftiger sig med påstanden om, at luthersk kristendom er en vigtig foruds&ae...
Gender equality that is integral to the values of the Danish society may conflict with respect for t...
This article examines cases of interaction between the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Denmark (Folke...
The Christmas tree a air in Kokkedal began in November 2012, when the Muslim majority in the board o...
Denne artikel præsenterer to cases for at belyse forandringsmønstre i folkekirkekristendommen i Danm...
In this article I analyse three types of borders in the Norwegian model of religion, as they are exp...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 500th anniversary of the onset of the Lutheran reformation was celebrated in D...
Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i mit bachelorprojekt, der med inddragelse af en valgmenighed og en...