Motion that the Faculty Senate meet as soon as possible with the Brockport Central School Board for articulation on Inner City students in the Center for Innovation in Education who are interested in transferring to the Brockport Central School System
The Senate approves the name of Charles D. Cooper for the new Campus School Building
Motion that SUC Brockport shall seek to enroll 300 minority-group students in the Full Opportunities...
Appoints and names faculty senators to the following committees: Budget, Graduate Policies, Undergra...
Recommendations that the Center for Innovation regarding racial integration, school districts partic...
Resolved that the Faculty Senate approve the M.S. in Education (Higher Education)
Motion for the Faculty Senate support to support the Brockport student amendment [the National Petit...
The Faculty Senate to review all new programs including those of the Center for Innovation in Educa...
A Special Faculty Meeting to be called on Monday, March 2, 1970, to give Mr. Spain more time to disc...
Moved and seconded to appoint an ad hoc Committee on Curriculum Revision and Coordination
The Faculty Senate approved the recommendation of the Academic Policies Committee and endorses the c...
Faculty Senate proposal recommending student involvement in governance of academic departments and p...
Motion that by September 1970 an additional 200 minority-group students be on this campus and that ...
Expresses appreciation to the Brockport Student Government for their part in the creation and fundin...
Resolution that students admitted to the college with the approval of the Admissions Committee may r...
Consortium Resolution Pertaining to Transferability of Courses, Credits, Grades and Honor Points
The Senate approves the name of Charles D. Cooper for the new Campus School Building
Motion that SUC Brockport shall seek to enroll 300 minority-group students in the Full Opportunities...
Appoints and names faculty senators to the following committees: Budget, Graduate Policies, Undergra...
Recommendations that the Center for Innovation regarding racial integration, school districts partic...
Resolved that the Faculty Senate approve the M.S. in Education (Higher Education)
Motion for the Faculty Senate support to support the Brockport student amendment [the National Petit...
The Faculty Senate to review all new programs including those of the Center for Innovation in Educa...
A Special Faculty Meeting to be called on Monday, March 2, 1970, to give Mr. Spain more time to disc...
Moved and seconded to appoint an ad hoc Committee on Curriculum Revision and Coordination
The Faculty Senate approved the recommendation of the Academic Policies Committee and endorses the c...
Faculty Senate proposal recommending student involvement in governance of academic departments and p...
Motion that by September 1970 an additional 200 minority-group students be on this campus and that ...
Expresses appreciation to the Brockport Student Government for their part in the creation and fundin...
Resolution that students admitted to the college with the approval of the Admissions Committee may r...
Consortium Resolution Pertaining to Transferability of Courses, Credits, Grades and Honor Points
The Senate approves the name of Charles D. Cooper for the new Campus School Building
Motion that SUC Brockport shall seek to enroll 300 minority-group students in the Full Opportunities...
Appoints and names faculty senators to the following committees: Budget, Graduate Policies, Undergra...