Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showed his talent in several fields in his early ages. He became a certified student and first-degree scholar (a successful candidate of provincial examinations) in his early twenties. Recognized as a very productive scholar, Chen published several books covering astronomy, phonology, textology, geography, temperament, and arithmetic.陳澧,字蘭甫,號東塾,廣州人,為晚清著名的學者。從小展現其天賦,年輕時即中秀才、得舉人。出版許多書籍,內容涵蓋天文、音韻、考證、地理、樂律、算術等內容,為清朝多產的研究學者。When this river is over flown, its water runs into the Long Yuen River. When the river is in a short of water, it stops and dries in its course. Water is usually still and green in a deep pool. It is transparent and clean. When you ...
Jian Zhang, known as Chi-chih (courtesy name) and Se-an(pseudonym), was a scholar ranking number one...
Youran Zhu, born in Zhejiang, China, was an education administrator of Hunan and Sichuan, China.朱逌然,...
Xiaocang Zhu, known as Huosheng (courtesy name) and Qiangcun (pseudonym), was born in Zhejiang, Chin...
Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showe...
Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showe...
Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showe...
Sanli Chen, known as Sanyuan (pseudonyms) was born in Jiangxi, China. Chen was a reformer, excellent...
Huang, Yu, known as Xiaohou (courtesy name) and Shiru (pseudonym), was an imperial scholar of Qing d...
Xiaocang Zhu, known as Huosheng (courtesy name) and Qiangcun (pseudonym), was born in Zhejiang, Chin...
Zongziang Zhang, known as Lengseng, was born in Zhejiang, China. Chang specialized in history, epigr...
本文结合盛唐时期吏治与文学之争 ,对盛唐的政局特别是李林甫所扮演的政治角色作了说明 ,揭示出李林甫对待诗人的三种不同态度。本文还对盛唐主流诗人在李林甫当政时的仕宦轨迹作了描述 ,凡是正直的有才华的诗人...
Kunyi Liu, known as Yanzhuang (courtesy name), was born in Hunan, China. Liu participated in fightin...
Changmin Lin, was also known as Mengzong (courtesy name) and Hut Owner of Double-Chinese Juniper (ps...
Zengxiang Fan (his original name is Jia Fan) born in Hubei, China is known as Fang shen (courtesy na...
Kaiyun Wang, known as Renqiu or Renfu (courtesy name) and Xiangqi (pseudonyms), was born in Changsha...
Jian Zhang, known as Chi-chih (courtesy name) and Se-an(pseudonym), was a scholar ranking number one...
Youran Zhu, born in Zhejiang, China, was an education administrator of Hunan and Sichuan, China.朱逌然,...
Xiaocang Zhu, known as Huosheng (courtesy name) and Qiangcun (pseudonym), was born in Zhejiang, Chin...
Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showe...
Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showe...
Li Chen, known as Lanfu (courtesy name), was a renowned scholar in the late Qing dynasty. Chen showe...
Sanli Chen, known as Sanyuan (pseudonyms) was born in Jiangxi, China. Chen was a reformer, excellent...
Huang, Yu, known as Xiaohou (courtesy name) and Shiru (pseudonym), was an imperial scholar of Qing d...
Xiaocang Zhu, known as Huosheng (courtesy name) and Qiangcun (pseudonym), was born in Zhejiang, Chin...
Zongziang Zhang, known as Lengseng, was born in Zhejiang, China. Chang specialized in history, epigr...
本文结合盛唐时期吏治与文学之争 ,对盛唐的政局特别是李林甫所扮演的政治角色作了说明 ,揭示出李林甫对待诗人的三种不同态度。本文还对盛唐主流诗人在李林甫当政时的仕宦轨迹作了描述 ,凡是正直的有才华的诗人...
Kunyi Liu, known as Yanzhuang (courtesy name), was born in Hunan, China. Liu participated in fightin...
Changmin Lin, was also known as Mengzong (courtesy name) and Hut Owner of Double-Chinese Juniper (ps...
Zengxiang Fan (his original name is Jia Fan) born in Hubei, China is known as Fang shen (courtesy na...
Kaiyun Wang, known as Renqiu or Renfu (courtesy name) and Xiangqi (pseudonyms), was born in Changsha...
Jian Zhang, known as Chi-chih (courtesy name) and Se-an(pseudonym), was a scholar ranking number one...
Youran Zhu, born in Zhejiang, China, was an education administrator of Hunan and Sichuan, China.朱逌然,...
Xiaocang Zhu, known as Huosheng (courtesy name) and Qiangcun (pseudonym), was born in Zhejiang, Chin...