Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Real street. 5:30 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Toluca from hill. 2:30 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Maria etc. carriers. 10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Carriers, Valley of Mex [Mexico] 10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives,...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Real fr.[from] hill. 5:30 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, B...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Upper Pachuca Valley fr.[from] road turn. 5 p.m. SGrayscalePlatt Ni...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Pachuca fr.[from] hill. 4:45 p.m. SGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 S.[San] Guillermo. 5 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Spruce & fir, valley. 10:10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Hill street, tile roofs, cedar, Toluca. 2:15 p.m.GrayscalePlatt Nitrate Nega...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Pachuca, carriers in saddle. 5 p.m. SWGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negati...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/1 Salamanca toward Rio Lerma. 10 a.m. SWGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 1...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Mine fr.[from] Conrad's yard. 1:30 p.m.GrayscalePlatt Nitrate Nega...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Family to town, burros. 10:30 a.m. SWGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negativ...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Atlipac. 8/11 Cart, truck fr.[from] Mex. 9:20 am. NGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negativ...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Puebla. 8/15 Paseo Nuevo, Puebla. 2;15 p.m. NGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Bo...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Toluca from hill. 2:30 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Maria etc. carriers. 10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Carriers, Valley of Mex [Mexico] 10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives,...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Real fr.[from] hill. 5:30 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, B...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Upper Pachuca Valley fr.[from] road turn. 5 p.m. SGrayscalePlatt Ni...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Pachuca fr.[from] hill. 4:45 p.m. SGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 S.[San] Guillermo. 5 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Spruce & fir, valley. 10:10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Hill street, tile roofs, cedar, Toluca. 2:15 p.m.GrayscalePlatt Nitrate Nega...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Pachuca, carriers in saddle. 5 p.m. SWGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negati...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/1 Salamanca toward Rio Lerma. 10 a.m. SWGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 1...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Mine fr.[from] Conrad's yard. 1:30 p.m.GrayscalePlatt Nitrate Nega...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Pachuca. 8/16 Family to town, burros. 10:30 a.m. SWGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negativ...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Atlipac. 8/11 Cart, truck fr.[from] Mex. 9:20 am. NGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negativ...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. Puebla. 8/15 Paseo Nuevo, Puebla. 2;15 p.m. NGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Bo...
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Toluca from hill. 2:30 p.m. EGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Maria etc. carriers. 10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives, Box 10
Mex.[Mexico] Trip. 8/18 Carriers, Valley of Mex [Mexico] 10 a.m. NEGrayscalePlatt Nitrate Negatives,...