Looking down on I X L ranch in Guano Valley [Oregon], July 19.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Looking north from Pilot Butte over juniper forest towards Mt. Hood.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowma...
Looking north over 'Low Desert', 6 miles south of Fort Rock.Field trip of 1930GrayscaleBowman nitrat...
Looking northwest in central Nevada to show sage, alkali, dust whirl and distant mountains.Field tri...
Looking northwest at flat-topped mesa on northwest side of Guano Valley.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleB...
Ranch at mile 61, 12:30. [Modoc County]Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Section 6 miles west of Lakeveiw [Oregon], July 19.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negativ...
Tertiary hills. Flat bedding.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Same as XXI-7. Ranch in hollow between two alluvial fans.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate n...
Sawmill northwest of Lakeview [Oregon], July 18.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, ...
Hart Mountain nearer than XXVII-5, XXVII-6, XXVII-7.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negati...
Top of Warner Mountains, looking northwest.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Alvord Desert [Oregon] from 1 mile south of Hot Spring.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate neg...
15 miles south of Columbia River. Summer fallow and wheat in distance.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBow...
Typical abandoned house and out buildings (mile 33,722).Field trip of 1930GrayscaleBowman nitrate ne...
Six miles west of Wadsworth, Truckee River, looking west.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate n...
Looking north from Pilot Butte over juniper forest towards Mt. Hood.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowma...
Looking north over 'Low Desert', 6 miles south of Fort Rock.Field trip of 1930GrayscaleBowman nitrat...
Looking northwest in central Nevada to show sage, alkali, dust whirl and distant mountains.Field tri...
Looking northwest at flat-topped mesa on northwest side of Guano Valley.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleB...
Ranch at mile 61, 12:30. [Modoc County]Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Section 6 miles west of Lakeveiw [Oregon], July 19.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negativ...
Tertiary hills. Flat bedding.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Same as XXI-7. Ranch in hollow between two alluvial fans.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate n...
Sawmill northwest of Lakeview [Oregon], July 18.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, ...
Hart Mountain nearer than XXVII-5, XXVII-6, XXVII-7.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negati...
Top of Warner Mountains, looking northwest.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate negative, box 1
Alvord Desert [Oregon] from 1 mile south of Hot Spring.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate neg...
15 miles south of Columbia River. Summer fallow and wheat in distance.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBow...
Typical abandoned house and out buildings (mile 33,722).Field trip of 1930GrayscaleBowman nitrate ne...
Six miles west of Wadsworth, Truckee River, looking west.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowman nitrate n...
Looking north from Pilot Butte over juniper forest towards Mt. Hood.Field trip of 1932GrayscaleBowma...
Looking north over 'Low Desert', 6 miles south of Fort Rock.Field trip of 1930GrayscaleBowman nitrat...
Looking northwest in central Nevada to show sage, alkali, dust whirl and distant mountains.Field tri...