Men in suits crossing wide city street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Couple walking in covered plaza amongst outdoor tables.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: E...
Pedestrian traffic on intersection in city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Line of men on bicycles on city street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Directing traffic on busy city road.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Wide street lined with office buildings in city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
View of roads and ruins from Colosseum.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
View across Tevere River of city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Signs differentiating lanes for specific traffic.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Directing traffic from platform on brick road.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Man in suit walking towards table in plaza area.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Pedestrians crossing busy city street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Electric lines over roadway outside of city historical center.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Bi...
Rear view of two aged men wearing local costumes walking on brick road.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Nega...
Policeman patrolling outdoor eating area on plaza.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe...
Pedestrians on commercial street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Couple walking in covered plaza amongst outdoor tables.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: E...
Pedestrian traffic on intersection in city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Line of men on bicycles on city street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Directing traffic on busy city road.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Wide street lined with office buildings in city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
View of roads and ruins from Colosseum.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
View across Tevere River of city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Signs differentiating lanes for specific traffic.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Directing traffic from platform on brick road.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Man in suit walking towards table in plaza area.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Pedestrians crossing busy city street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Electric lines over roadway outside of city historical center.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Bi...
Rear view of two aged men wearing local costumes walking on brick road.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Nega...
Policeman patrolling outdoor eating area on plaza.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe...
Pedestrians on commercial street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Couple walking in covered plaza amongst outdoor tables.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: E...
Pedestrian traffic on intersection in city.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe
Line of men on bicycles on city street.GrayscaleSorensen Safety Negatives, Binder: Europe