Lan Kong & Ching Chu Shing, east of Pakhoi - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Erosion of opposite side of valley. This locality is extreme right distance of 159.8. Our party & guard returning.GrayscalePendleton nitrate negative, Box 40 of 38
Lan Kong & Ching Chu Shing, east of Pakhoi - Kwangtung [Canton province]. North gate of Ching Chu Sh...
Tatung [Datong] - Shansi [Shanxi]. Erosion of gravel terrace east of Yu ho [Yarkant He river].Graysc...
West [Xi] river to Nam Kong Hao - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Nam Kong Hao. Town on both of the Lao...
Southward up the valley from Tai Ping [Taiping] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Along new road. Shall...
North of Shun Yu town - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Erosion which started from grave digging & clea...
Mountains south of Chien Pai [Qianpai] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Chien Pai plain, west of villa...
Lan Kong & Ching Chu Shing, east of Pakhoi] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Looking west down ravine ...
Environs of Kochow [Gaozhou] & of Muiluk [Wuchuan] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Small valley SE of...
Hap Shui - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Northeast gate of old, main village. In distance are hills f...
Kochow [Gaozhou], SE of, and the hills to the east. Kwangtung [Canton province]. Kochow [Gaozhou] fr...
Hi Ping Hu, to Liuchow (Hoi Hong) [Haikang] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Another view of ravine sh...
Hi Ping Hu, to Liuchow (Hoi Hong) [Haikang] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Uncultivated reddish brow...
Pakhoi, harbor & Tikoa village - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Western portion of Pakhoi from the bay...
Shun Yu and environs - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Southeast gate of town. Eroded hill beyond. Hoff...
South & east of Muiluk [Wuchuan] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Brickyards. Muiluk [Wuchuan] town in...
Lan Kong & Ching Chu Shing, east of Pakhoi - Kwangtung [Canton province]. North gate of Ching Chu Sh...
Tatung [Datong] - Shansi [Shanxi]. Erosion of gravel terrace east of Yu ho [Yarkant He river].Graysc...
West [Xi] river to Nam Kong Hao - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Nam Kong Hao. Town on both of the Lao...
Southward up the valley from Tai Ping [Taiping] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Along new road. Shall...
North of Shun Yu town - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Erosion which started from grave digging & clea...
Mountains south of Chien Pai [Qianpai] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Chien Pai plain, west of villa...
Lan Kong & Ching Chu Shing, east of Pakhoi] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Looking west down ravine ...
Environs of Kochow [Gaozhou] & of Muiluk [Wuchuan] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Small valley SE of...
Hap Shui - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Northeast gate of old, main village. In distance are hills f...
Kochow [Gaozhou], SE of, and the hills to the east. Kwangtung [Canton province]. Kochow [Gaozhou] fr...
Hi Ping Hu, to Liuchow (Hoi Hong) [Haikang] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Another view of ravine sh...
Hi Ping Hu, to Liuchow (Hoi Hong) [Haikang] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Uncultivated reddish brow...
Pakhoi, harbor & Tikoa village - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Western portion of Pakhoi from the bay...
Shun Yu and environs - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Southeast gate of town. Eroded hill beyond. Hoff...
South & east of Muiluk [Wuchuan] - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Brickyards. Muiluk [Wuchuan] town in...
Lan Kong & Ching Chu Shing, east of Pakhoi - Kwangtung [Canton province]. North gate of Ching Chu Sh...
Tatung [Datong] - Shansi [Shanxi]. Erosion of gravel terrace east of Yu ho [Yarkant He river].Graysc...
West [Xi] river to Nam Kong Hao - Kwangtung [Canton province]. Nam Kong Hao. Town on both of the Lao...