Endeudamiento y rentabilidad en empresas multinacionales

  • Chudnovsky, Daniel
Publication date
December 1973
Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Administrativas de la Universidad de Cuenca


Multinational enterprises' borrowing requirements in domestic capital markets are generally explained on grounds of caution, i.e. to minimise foreing exchange losses or other risks attached to foreing operations. But in countries where rates of interest are kept relatively low and inflation makes them even lower in real terms, domestic borrowing has another function. It contributes in a very significant way to reducing the cost of indebtedness and to raising the profits foreing firms make on their own capital, as proved through regression analysis.Las empresas multinacionales financian gran parte de sus necesidades de inversión con fondos obtenidos en los países donde actúan a los efectos de minimizar los riesgos propios de las operaciones ...

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