Pengembangan wisata mangrove memerlukan kesesuaian sumberdaya dan lingkungan yang sesuai dengan yang disyaratkan. Kesesuaian karakteristik sumber daya dan lingkungan untuk pengembangan wisata dilihat dari aspek keindahan alam, keamanan dan keterlindungan kawasan, keanekaragaman biota, keunikan sumber daya dan aksesibilitas. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menghitung indeks kesesuaian kawasan untuk pengembangan ekowisata mangrove, menghitung daya dukung kawasan dan mengidentifikasi jenis kegiatan wisata yang dapat dilakukan dalam kawasan mangrove. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei yaitu pengukuran secara langsung untuk mengetahui kondisi biofisik mangrove. Hasil analisis Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) baik stasiun i, stasiun 2 dan stasiun 3...
The uniqueness of the mangrove ecosystem is a potential that can be developed as an ecotourism desti...
ABSTRAKJasa lingkungan berupa ekowisata pada kawasan hutan mangrove di Tanjung Batu, Kabupaten Berau...
Riset ini dilakukan pada bulan April sampai September 2017. Lokasi riset ini di kawasan mangrove Kar...
ABSTRACTThe study aims to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of mangrove ecotourismin t...
Ekosistem mangrove memiliki potensi di bidang ekonomi, sosial, maupun lingkungan hidup. Pengembangan...
ABSTRACT Mangrove ecosystems are one ecosystem that is vulnerable damaged. Mangrove ecotourism is on...
Currently, mangrove ecotourism is interesting by the community. Berakit Village, Teluk Sebong Subdis...
Tourism is a potential sector that being developed in the city of Dumai. Mangrove forest Bandar Baka...
Tanjung Tedung Coastal Coast is located in Tanjung Pura Village, Sungai Selan Subdistrict, Bangka Te...
Ecotourism is a nature-based tourism activity that includes aspects of education and interpretation ...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the tourism suitability index and the carrying capacity of ...
Muara Kubu mangrove ecosystem area has a unique value, aesthetic, beauty that has the potential to b...
Mangrove yang tumbuh di wilayah-wilayah pesisir memiliki banyak manfaat ekologi, tetapi keberadaanny...
Ecotourism as a type of tourism based on the nature, was a green industry which must be planned sust...
Tourism is a potential sector that being developed in the province of Lampung. Mangrove forest in Sa...
The uniqueness of the mangrove ecosystem is a potential that can be developed as an ecotourism desti...
ABSTRAKJasa lingkungan berupa ekowisata pada kawasan hutan mangrove di Tanjung Batu, Kabupaten Berau...
Riset ini dilakukan pada bulan April sampai September 2017. Lokasi riset ini di kawasan mangrove Kar...
ABSTRACTThe study aims to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of mangrove ecotourismin t...
Ekosistem mangrove memiliki potensi di bidang ekonomi, sosial, maupun lingkungan hidup. Pengembangan...
ABSTRACT Mangrove ecosystems are one ecosystem that is vulnerable damaged. Mangrove ecotourism is on...
Currently, mangrove ecotourism is interesting by the community. Berakit Village, Teluk Sebong Subdis...
Tourism is a potential sector that being developed in the city of Dumai. Mangrove forest Bandar Baka...
Tanjung Tedung Coastal Coast is located in Tanjung Pura Village, Sungai Selan Subdistrict, Bangka Te...
Ecotourism is a nature-based tourism activity that includes aspects of education and interpretation ...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the tourism suitability index and the carrying capacity of ...
Muara Kubu mangrove ecosystem area has a unique value, aesthetic, beauty that has the potential to b...
Mangrove yang tumbuh di wilayah-wilayah pesisir memiliki banyak manfaat ekologi, tetapi keberadaanny...
Ecotourism as a type of tourism based on the nature, was a green industry which must be planned sust...
Tourism is a potential sector that being developed in the province of Lampung. Mangrove forest in Sa...
The uniqueness of the mangrove ecosystem is a potential that can be developed as an ecotourism desti...
ABSTRAKJasa lingkungan berupa ekowisata pada kawasan hutan mangrove di Tanjung Batu, Kabupaten Berau...
Riset ini dilakukan pada bulan April sampai September 2017. Lokasi riset ini di kawasan mangrove Kar...