Santa Maria is an orphanage and refuge for elderly located in Queretaro, Mexico. The community operates a farm as a source of food, income, and education for their students who are tasked with running daily operations. Unfortunately, limited water resources have stifled the growth of farming operations and limited opportunities for agricultural advancement. An infiltration gallery will allow the community to access more of the water by tapping into the groundwater reserves behind of one of three dams on the site. An infiltration gallery consists of a series of horizontally oriented perforated pipes that access water trapped within sediment impounded behind a dam. These perforated pipes will drain into a centralized wet well which houses a p...
United States Department of Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary, Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. D...
The Sacachún commune in Ecuador currently faces a lack of water for its agricultural development; th...
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo facilitado por el Ce...
Attachment 5, San Miguel Project, page 21975 or 1980. Potash deposits in Gypsum Valley adjacent to t...
Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international...
The region of Corridor Seco, Guatemala, is facing a severe food crisis caused by extreme weather eve...
Water and watersheds are difficult to separate for management purposes. Providing irrigation as a su...
In January 2014, the California Governor declared a drought state of emergency and directed official...
Due to the current drought experienced throughout California, there has been an increased need for a...
This study aimed to propose an optimal cultivation plan using a separable linear programming model, ...
and Mexico's unwillingness to change its cropping pattern to fit the water supply available, the far...
The Gravity Fed Water Project aims to provide direct access to safe and clean water to about 150 peo...
Abstract: The Western Sierra Madré constitutes a natural water tower for the whole of northern Mexic...
This project tries to solve the water crisis that is suffering the village of Karkata, in Jharkhand,...
Sustainable water management is a core sustainable development goal (SDG) that also contributes to o...
United States Department of Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary, Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. D...
The Sacachún commune in Ecuador currently faces a lack of water for its agricultural development; th...
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo facilitado por el Ce...
Attachment 5, San Miguel Project, page 21975 or 1980. Potash deposits in Gypsum Valley adjacent to t...
Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international...
The region of Corridor Seco, Guatemala, is facing a severe food crisis caused by extreme weather eve...
Water and watersheds are difficult to separate for management purposes. Providing irrigation as a su...
In January 2014, the California Governor declared a drought state of emergency and directed official...
Due to the current drought experienced throughout California, there has been an increased need for a...
This study aimed to propose an optimal cultivation plan using a separable linear programming model, ...
and Mexico's unwillingness to change its cropping pattern to fit the water supply available, the far...
The Gravity Fed Water Project aims to provide direct access to safe and clean water to about 150 peo...
Abstract: The Western Sierra Madré constitutes a natural water tower for the whole of northern Mexic...
This project tries to solve the water crisis that is suffering the village of Karkata, in Jharkhand,...
Sustainable water management is a core sustainable development goal (SDG) that also contributes to o...
United States Department of Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary, Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. D...
The Sacachún commune in Ecuador currently faces a lack of water for its agricultural development; th...
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo facilitado por el Ce...