International audienceGoal : Improve the efficiency of Si solar cells by down converter layer Decrease the thermalization losses due to the spectral mismatch between the solar irradiance and the Si absorption Use the optical properties of rare earth ions embedded in a Si-based matrix to do Down-conversion (DC) Integration in industrial Si solar cell Fabrication parameters: Depositions parameters: Deposition Temperature , T dp (°C) Plasma Pressure, P tot (sccm) Gaz : Argon and nitrogen Nitrogen rate, rN 2 RF Power density on target, P target (W/cm²) Depositing time, t dp (s) Annealing with rapid or slow ramp of T under specific gas (N 2 , Forming…) PHC France-Taiwan ORCHID. Targets Rotation Heating lamp Radio-frequency Power (PRF) SiO 2 Wa...