El Consejo de guerra sumarísimo contra el coronel de Artillería José Franco Mussió y los oficiales de la Fábrica de cañones de Trubia

  • García García, Carmen
Publication date
January 2018


With the occupation of Gijón at the end of October 1937, the Francoist army ended the campaign of the North Front. Asturias constituted the last redoubt of the battered and never cohesive republican army, beginning the occupation of a territory considered, not without reason, hostile by the rebels. The first Council of war after the surrender took place in November 1937 and was held against the commanders and officers of the Trubia cannon factory who had not joined the uprising led by Colonel Aranda in Oviedo. As expected, the judicial process was quick; it was about applying the Military Justice Code. Accused of a continued crime of treason, they were sentenced to death and shot at dawn on November 14. I try to analyze the process,...

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