Complex subject with a disjunctive conjunction and its agreement in German and Slovenian

  • Majcenovič, Lučka
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Publication date
October 2019


Diplomsko delo obravnava problem ujemanja v številu in osebi med povedkom in sestavljenim osebkom, ki je povezan z ločnim veznikom ali oz. oder, v nemščini, v slovenščini pa tudi ujemanje v spolu. Na slovnične lastnosti povedka poleg bližine delov osebka vplivata tudi vključujoči in izključujoči pomen veznika ali oz. oder.Thesis focuses on the agreement in person and number between the predicate and the complex subject, which is bound by the disjunctive conjunction ali or oder, in German, but also on the agreement in gender in Slovene. The grammatical characteristics of the predicate are not based entirely on the closeness of the subject, but also on the inclusive and exclusive meaning of the conjunction ali or oder

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