For every ballean ▫$X$▫ we introduce two cardinal characteristics ▫$text{cov}^flat(X)$▫ and ▫$text{cov}^sharp(X)$▫ describing the capacity of balls in ▫$X$▫. We observe that these cardinal characteristics are invariant under coarse equivalence and prove that two cellular ordinal balleans ▫$X,Y$▫ are coarsely equivalent if ▫$text{cof}(X)=text{cof}(Y)$▫ and ▫$text{cov}^flat(X) = text{cov}^sharp(X) = text{cov}^flat(Y) = text{cov}^sharp(Y)$▫. This result implies that a cellular ordinal ballean ▫$X$▫ is homogeneous if and only if ▫$text{cov}^flat(X)=text{cov}^sharp(X)$▫. Moreover, two homogeneous cellular ordinal balleans ▫$X,Y$▫ are coarsely equivalent if and only if ▫$text{cof}(X)=text{cof}(Y)$▫ and ▫$text{cov}^sharp(X) = text{cov}^sharp(Y)$▫ ...