The goal of this article is analyses of ways for reducing generator set fuel required for training, moving, and sustaining military forces, weapons, and equipment demand on the battlefield for military operations on the combat operations experience basis.Метою статті є аналіз шляхів зменшення об’єму споживання палива для електроагрегатів, які використовуються для бойової підготовки, маневру та забезпечення військ, озброєння та військової техніки на полі бою під час ведення військових операцій з урахуванням досвіду ведення бойових дій.Целью статьи анализ путей уменьшения объема потребления горючего для электроагрегатов, используемых для боевой подготовки, маневра и обеспечения войск, вооружения и военной техники на поле боя при проведении во...
The article is devoted to the military-religious relations of the Separate corps of the Internal gua...
The article is dedicated to the establishment of military libraries in the Far East, which were set ...
This article deals with the increase of winter wheat yield by providing optimal conditions for inten...
In this article the methods of estimate of efficiency of an air defence system overcoming by one and...
Автор акцентує увагу на тому, що для корпоративного андрагога важливо навчитися створювати тренінгов...
The paper analyzes the main sources of funding for tourism as one of the priorities of non-commodity...
The article deals with problem of realization of measures by the higher education institution, which...
An overview and an attempt to present in detail the history of the now declassified, and previously ...
In this work the authors have conducted an analysis of the state of equipment of our enterprises. It...
In the article the existent approaches to allocation of general production costs between separate ty...
The purpose of the course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge of the legal foundations...
The article is devoted to defining the main directions of conceptual and theoretical foundations for...
В статті наводиться методика розрахунку економічно обґрунтованого запасу авіаційних засобів ураження...
Considered is the problem of creation of simulation model of forecasting of the dynamics of aircraft...
This article considers strategic nonviolent struggle as a complex humanitarian technology aimed at ...
The article is devoted to the military-religious relations of the Separate corps of the Internal gua...
The article is dedicated to the establishment of military libraries in the Far East, which were set ...
This article deals with the increase of winter wheat yield by providing optimal conditions for inten...
In this article the methods of estimate of efficiency of an air defence system overcoming by one and...
Автор акцентує увагу на тому, що для корпоративного андрагога важливо навчитися створювати тренінгов...
The paper analyzes the main sources of funding for tourism as one of the priorities of non-commodity...
The article deals with problem of realization of measures by the higher education institution, which...
An overview and an attempt to present in detail the history of the now declassified, and previously ...
In this work the authors have conducted an analysis of the state of equipment of our enterprises. It...
In the article the existent approaches to allocation of general production costs between separate ty...
The purpose of the course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge of the legal foundations...
The article is devoted to defining the main directions of conceptual and theoretical foundations for...
В статті наводиться методика розрахунку економічно обґрунтованого запасу авіаційних засобів ураження...
Considered is the problem of creation of simulation model of forecasting of the dynamics of aircraft...
This article considers strategic nonviolent struggle as a complex humanitarian technology aimed at ...
The article is devoted to the military-religious relations of the Separate corps of the Internal gua...
The article is dedicated to the establishment of military libraries in the Far East, which were set ...
This article deals with the increase of winter wheat yield by providing optimal conditions for inten...