Anime, a Japanese form of animation and film, has been globally popular for a period of time. This medium may have allowed cross-cultural learning among viewers through its Japanese cultural context. This study explores if there are indeed any cultural learning effects from consuming either subtitled or dubbed anime, the two common forms of audiovisual translation. Participants (n = 63) were students sampled from a Midwestern university and randomly assigned to three groups: control group, subtitled anime viewers’ group, and dubbed anime viewers’ group. Control group participants did not watch any anime, while the other groups watched one episode of anime with respect to the group they were assigned to. All participants completed the same s...
Studies showed that interest in anime motivates students to learn the Japanese language and culture ...
While studies have confirmed that there is apparent connection between interest in anime and Japanes...
The purpose of this study was to investigate viewers' knowledge of program content under variou...
This study attempts to understand the perception of anime fans among the university students on the...
For those who are not new to the world of Japanese animation, known mainly as anime, the debate of "...
This research examines the impact of popular culture fandom on perceptions of foreign language and ...
Japanese popular culture, such as anime, manga, and video games, influences Japanese-as- a-Foreign-L...
The focus of this master's thesis is on the role of specific media in the diffusion of Japanese cult...
The transcultural consumption of Japan-derived popular media has prompted a significant amount of ac...
Abstract Aim: This study determined the effectiveness of Japanese Animated Series with English subti...
In the last few decades, Japanese popular culture productions have been consolidated as one of the m...
Anime (Japanese Animation) is an example of transmission of a postmodern popular culture artefact. ...
Studies showed that interest in anime motivates students to learn the Japanese language and culture ...
Television programs such as animation and drama series from Japan have become common transnational p...
Japanese animation, known as anime by those in and out of Japan has made significant inroads into th...
Studies showed that interest in anime motivates students to learn the Japanese language and culture ...
While studies have confirmed that there is apparent connection between interest in anime and Japanes...
The purpose of this study was to investigate viewers' knowledge of program content under variou...
This study attempts to understand the perception of anime fans among the university students on the...
For those who are not new to the world of Japanese animation, known mainly as anime, the debate of "...
This research examines the impact of popular culture fandom on perceptions of foreign language and ...
Japanese popular culture, such as anime, manga, and video games, influences Japanese-as- a-Foreign-L...
The focus of this master's thesis is on the role of specific media in the diffusion of Japanese cult...
The transcultural consumption of Japan-derived popular media has prompted a significant amount of ac...
Abstract Aim: This study determined the effectiveness of Japanese Animated Series with English subti...
In the last few decades, Japanese popular culture productions have been consolidated as one of the m...
Anime (Japanese Animation) is an example of transmission of a postmodern popular culture artefact. ...
Studies showed that interest in anime motivates students to learn the Japanese language and culture ...
Television programs such as animation and drama series from Japan have become common transnational p...
Japanese animation, known as anime by those in and out of Japan has made significant inroads into th...
Studies showed that interest in anime motivates students to learn the Japanese language and culture ...
While studies have confirmed that there is apparent connection between interest in anime and Japanes...
The purpose of this study was to investigate viewers' knowledge of program content under variou...