As the countdown for the 2018 Christmas festivities begins, the tiny Palestinian village of Beit Lahem (Arabic for Bethlehem/House of Bread), is in its 51st year of a brutal occupation. Not unlike previous occupiers, the Israelis, employing the most sophisticated surveillance technology, are ruling Palestine with the harshest, most hateful, and most egregiously atrocious laws enacted by an Israeli regime bent on legislating their detestable policies of apartheid. And as I write, the thousands of tourists flocking to Beit Lahem fail to recognize Israel’s brutality. Blinded by religious zeal and led by Israeli tour guides and born-again Christian Zionists, modern day tourists are marshalled through Palestine and Beit Lahem in a well-orchestra...
Official journey warnings are recurrently published in the Israeli media by the Counterterrorism Bur...
Seventy-one years to the day Jewish terrorists in Palestine committed a heinous crime for which they...
For a whole week now, The Israeli army has been terrorizing cities and villages in the West Bank. A...
O little town of Bethlehem, How miserable we see thee lie! Above thy 28 ft. concrete separation wall...
The Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem has classified Israel as an ‘apartheid regime’ for th...
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Palestine has seen complicated changes in its politica...
Tourism is an expanding battleground of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since the founding of the ...
For centuries Easter in Palestine has been a special familial and communal celebration that commemor...
Israel is engaged in a systematic and illegal scheme of forced evictions against Palestinians. Force...
This thesis explores the ways in which the scopic regimes of tourism shape the production of “Israel...
Jerusalem is a city of extremes, where tourists and pilgrims come to see the sights and pray, but wh...
While the US and Europe lecture the world about morality, human rights, and freedom, and while the A...
Your Work is Not Here: Solidarity Tourism in Occupied Palestine is a multi-sited ethnographic study ...
In the Christian holy text Matthew tells his readers about the special events surrounding the birth ...
If there's one short phrase that can describe Palestinian reality under Israeli occupation today, it...
Official journey warnings are recurrently published in the Israeli media by the Counterterrorism Bur...
Seventy-one years to the day Jewish terrorists in Palestine committed a heinous crime for which they...
For a whole week now, The Israeli army has been terrorizing cities and villages in the West Bank. A...
O little town of Bethlehem, How miserable we see thee lie! Above thy 28 ft. concrete separation wall...
The Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem has classified Israel as an ‘apartheid regime’ for th...
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Palestine has seen complicated changes in its politica...
Tourism is an expanding battleground of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since the founding of the ...
For centuries Easter in Palestine has been a special familial and communal celebration that commemor...
Israel is engaged in a systematic and illegal scheme of forced evictions against Palestinians. Force...
This thesis explores the ways in which the scopic regimes of tourism shape the production of “Israel...
Jerusalem is a city of extremes, where tourists and pilgrims come to see the sights and pray, but wh...
While the US and Europe lecture the world about morality, human rights, and freedom, and while the A...
Your Work is Not Here: Solidarity Tourism in Occupied Palestine is a multi-sited ethnographic study ...
In the Christian holy text Matthew tells his readers about the special events surrounding the birth ...
If there's one short phrase that can describe Palestinian reality under Israeli occupation today, it...
Official journey warnings are recurrently published in the Israeli media by the Counterterrorism Bur...
Seventy-one years to the day Jewish terrorists in Palestine committed a heinous crime for which they...
For a whole week now, The Israeli army has been terrorizing cities and villages in the West Bank. A...