The spring 2017 issue of the Wooster magazine is editor Karol Crosbie’s last edition. It profiles of 10 of the 438 I.S. projects created that year: Catherine Boyles, Tali Westreich, Jason Solinsky, Robin Morillo, Foster Cheng, Nate Huwar, Bethany Smith, Tyler Bostdorff, Tashiyanah Hutchins, and Lucas Skogland. This issue also celebrates the launch of Wooster’s Promise, a new fundraising campaign to enhance financial aid, The Wooster Fund, academic strength, experiential education and the life sciences. There is a special section for Herb Stetzenmeyer ’69, a member of the original Wooster Pella team, a multidisciplinary group of Wooster students that conducted a full-scale excavation of Pella, one of the most important archaeological sites i...