Evaluation Of Need And Feasibility Of Tuberculosis Screening In Buprenorphine Treatment Programs

  • Schwarz, Ryan
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Publication date
January 2011
EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale


Background: Buprenorphine\u27s availability in primary care settings offers increased access to treatment and linkage to primary care for opioid-dependent patients. Currently, tuberculin skin testing (TST) is recommended for patients enrolling in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT), but not for those enrolling in buprenorphine maintenance treatment (BMT). Objectives: To compare TST screening results in enrollees in BMT and MMT programs and assess the correlates of TST positivity among these subjects. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of a retrospective cohort study was conducted to compare concurrent TST results among contemporaneously matched groups of MMT and BMT patients in the same community. Results: TST positivity was 9% in both M...

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