The systematic position of the scorpion genera \u3ci\u3eHeteroscorpion\u3c/em\u3e Birula, 1903 and \u3cem\u3eUrodacus\u3c/em\u3e Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Scorpionoidea)

  • Soleglad, Michael E.
  • Fet, Victor
  • Kovařík, František
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Publication date
December 2015
Marshall Digital Scholar


Stockwell (1989), in an unpublished revision, suggested the elevation of subfamily Urodacinae to the family rank, and considered Heteroscorpioninae a subfamily of Ischnuridae. Heteroscorpioninae was formally elevated to the family rank by Lourenço (1996a), and Urodacinae, by Prendini (2000). As a result of a detailed cladistic analysis, Prendini (2000, 2003b) considered families Heteroscorpionidae and Urodacidae to be sister groups, although an al-ternative topology was available. Soleglad & Fet (2003b) questioned the results of Prendini (2000) but nevertheless retained the monophyly of Heteroscorpion and Urodacus pending more detailed analysis; they recognized two valid monotypic subfamilies, Heteroscorpioninae and Urodacinae, under Urodac...

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