Paleomagnetism and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Skeena Group, British Columbia

  • Ward-Guthrie, Christopher L.
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Publication date
January 2008
Western CEDAR


The mid-Cretaceous Skeena Group of British Columbia is a sedimentary continental margin deposit that overlies the lower Jurassic Hazelton Group of the Stikine Terrane. Nine paleomagnetic sites were collected in 2006 and 2007, demagnetized thermally in 50-15°C steps, and high temperature components fit using principal component analysis. A new Ar40/Ar39 age of 93.9 ± 0.6 Ma for a flow of the Rocky Ridge Formation was also collected. Three volcanic sites of the Rocky Ridge Volcanics possess coherent magnetizations, but did not prove useful. Five of six sedimentary sites from the Rocher de Boule and Bulkley Canyon Formations appear more likely to retain a primary magnetization. Curie temperature analysis indicates the primary carrier of magnet...

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