Shoreline armoring removal is becoming a common restoration technique in the nearshore of the Salish Sea, yet we lack a comprehensive understanding of the ecological benefits obtained, and how such an understanding could be used to inform management recommendations and educate diverse audiences. To address this knowledge gap, we studied effects of shoreline armor removal at 10 sites, expanding the spatial framework of what was previously known by collaborating across academic (University of Washington), agency (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife), and citizen science groups. Each site had three beach types of: (1) restored beaches with armoring removed 1-11 years ago, with a mean of four years, (2) armored beaches altered by bulkhea...
Recovery efforts for Puget Sound have focused on improving shoreline function by reducing seawalls (...
Shoreline armoring can impact a variety of “goods and services” provided by beaches and nearshore ec...
Coastal development, and the shoreline defenses that accompany it, makes it important to understand ...
Shoreline armoring is prevalent around the world with unprecedented human population growth and urba...
Within the marine-terrestrial ecotone, upper intertidal “wrack zones” accumulate organic debris from...
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2017-06Shoreline armoring is prevalent around the world...
As intertidal spawners, surf smelt and Pacific sand lance are vulnerable to the effects of shoreline...
The world\u27s population is disproportionately located near water. As a result, many nearshore ecos...
The construction of seawalls and similar structures along Puget Sound’s shoreline impacts geomorphic...
Nearly one third of Puget Sound’s shorelines are armored (e.g., seawall, bulkhead, riprap). Armoring...
Shoreline armoring is widespread in the Salish Sea, but few data have documented actual impacts on p...
Forage fish including surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus) and Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus)...
Puget Sound marine shorelines provide Pacific salmon habitat for migration, juvenile rearing, feedin...
Increasing coastal development makes it vitally important to understand the shoreline’s response to ...
Protection programs are not holding the line against the incremental impacts of shoreline developmen...
Recovery efforts for Puget Sound have focused on improving shoreline function by reducing seawalls (...
Shoreline armoring can impact a variety of “goods and services” provided by beaches and nearshore ec...
Coastal development, and the shoreline defenses that accompany it, makes it important to understand ...
Shoreline armoring is prevalent around the world with unprecedented human population growth and urba...
Within the marine-terrestrial ecotone, upper intertidal “wrack zones” accumulate organic debris from...
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2017-06Shoreline armoring is prevalent around the world...
As intertidal spawners, surf smelt and Pacific sand lance are vulnerable to the effects of shoreline...
The world\u27s population is disproportionately located near water. As a result, many nearshore ecos...
The construction of seawalls and similar structures along Puget Sound’s shoreline impacts geomorphic...
Nearly one third of Puget Sound’s shorelines are armored (e.g., seawall, bulkhead, riprap). Armoring...
Shoreline armoring is widespread in the Salish Sea, but few data have documented actual impacts on p...
Forage fish including surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus) and Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus)...
Puget Sound marine shorelines provide Pacific salmon habitat for migration, juvenile rearing, feedin...
Increasing coastal development makes it vitally important to understand the shoreline’s response to ...
Protection programs are not holding the line against the incremental impacts of shoreline developmen...
Recovery efforts for Puget Sound have focused on improving shoreline function by reducing seawalls (...
Shoreline armoring can impact a variety of “goods and services” provided by beaches and nearshore ec...
Coastal development, and the shoreline defenses that accompany it, makes it important to understand ...