Table of Contents: Dean Addresses Randolph-Macon College Students—The Cabin Warming! (poem), First Senior Forum to be Held Wednesday—Freshman Stunts Given in Theatre—Tinker Day Expected Almost Any Morning—Hollins College is Transferred to Public Ownership—Hollins Girl Appointed “Y” Regional Chairman—Leonora Alexander on I.S.S. Conference—Nine Changes in the Faculty Personnel—V.I.P.A. to Meet in Farmville Soon—Hollins Student Life Staff—Hollins and Politics—A School Born Out of the Depression—Awards Offered om V.I.P.A. Contest—Student Forum—New Installment of Carnegie Books—Rules of Library are Stated for Freshmen—List of Honor Students Announced By Dean—Hollins Entrants in Salem Horse Show—Alumnae News—International Club Meets Wednesday—Ath...