Redécouverte en France d'Hydaticus aruspex Clark et notes sur l'identification des Hydaticus Leach de la faune française (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae)

  • Bameul, Franck
Publication date
January 1997
PERSEE Program


Hydaticus aruspex Clark rediscovered in France, and notes on the identification of the French species of Hydaticus Leach (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae). The dytiscid Hydaticus aruspex Clark has been rediscovered in France after a period of 112 years. The new sites are natural ponds developed post-glacially in the départements of Gironde and Landes. The history of its discovery in France is reviewed, with a synthesis of the systematics and nomenclature of the Hydaticus species of France. H. aruspex is considered to be a post-glacial relict in South-West France. New modern data are provided on the formation of paisa scars in the départements of the Gironde and Landes. An identification key, species diagnoses and distribution maps are provided. The ...

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