“Full Measures” is a 3D Animated Short Film about a pianist’s struggle writing the music he desires before his deadline. With musical creatures taunting him, will he defeat his nightmares in time? “Full Measures” has two meanings, it’s literally definition is “to perform a task as well as possible.” The second definition is a play on words meaning “Passages with heavily written music.” It’s a phrase I found through speaking with musician at the Eastman School of Music. In life we all aspire to achieve what we want to create. Often the greatest obstacles are constructs in our minds. We must overcome these walls to accomplish the things we desire. It is the same with our pianist; this film attempts to represent his struggle through taking the...
This thesis challenges Classical Christian presentations of God based on exclusive and literalized m...
Tiny Victories is a poetry collection that was experiential as much as it was research based. In pre...
These documents include my analysis of the play based on extensive research and study as well as my ...
The thesis writing here is an effort by the artist to identify his motives in creating, and his aims...
This work utilizes an Illusion of Life method, developed by Sellnow and Sellnow (2001) to analyze t...
Between the actualized built spaces that the artist moves around and through on a daily basis and th...
The short story is often characterised as a form best suited to the expression of disconnectedness, ...
My work seeks to question culture\u27s occupation with the direct and conclusive, stirring the viewe...
The Line is an animated fairy tale for adults, meant to ask the age-old question of “who am I?” thro...
This studio-based thesis explores the universal theme of transformation within the Magical Girl genr...
This paper will detail the making of The Marked, exploring from concept to completion, with special ...
Today the classroom is filled with students from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The realit...
The Medium and the Message investigates the incorporation of Afro-Cuban trance techniques in Wester...
For composer Chris DeBlasio, the omnipresence of HIV/AIDS during the final years of his life helped ...
In this thesis research, dance artist Valerie Calam highlights the goals, creative processes, and re...
This thesis challenges Classical Christian presentations of God based on exclusive and literalized m...
Tiny Victories is a poetry collection that was experiential as much as it was research based. In pre...
These documents include my analysis of the play based on extensive research and study as well as my ...
The thesis writing here is an effort by the artist to identify his motives in creating, and his aims...
This work utilizes an Illusion of Life method, developed by Sellnow and Sellnow (2001) to analyze t...
Between the actualized built spaces that the artist moves around and through on a daily basis and th...
The short story is often characterised as a form best suited to the expression of disconnectedness, ...
My work seeks to question culture\u27s occupation with the direct and conclusive, stirring the viewe...
The Line is an animated fairy tale for adults, meant to ask the age-old question of “who am I?” thro...
This studio-based thesis explores the universal theme of transformation within the Magical Girl genr...
This paper will detail the making of The Marked, exploring from concept to completion, with special ...
Today the classroom is filled with students from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The realit...
The Medium and the Message investigates the incorporation of Afro-Cuban trance techniques in Wester...
For composer Chris DeBlasio, the omnipresence of HIV/AIDS during the final years of his life helped ...
In this thesis research, dance artist Valerie Calam highlights the goals, creative processes, and re...
This thesis challenges Classical Christian presentations of God based on exclusive and literalized m...
Tiny Victories is a poetry collection that was experiential as much as it was research based. In pre...
These documents include my analysis of the play based on extensive research and study as well as my ...