Dziennikarstwo śledcze wiąże się z działaniem na granicy przepisów prawa. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza sytuacji, w której reporter dysponuje wiedzą o przestępstwie, znajduje się w posiadaniu dowodów, którymi mogą interesować się organy ścigania, lub podejmuje kroki, których efekt może stanowić szkodę wobec prowadzonego śledztwa, dochodzenia lub postępowania sądowego. W artykule zanalizowano powyższe sytuacje w świetle obowiązujących przepisów prawa oraz wskazano postulaty de lege ferenda, aby poprawić sytuację aktywnych dziennikarzy dochodzeniowych.Investigative journalists quite often operate on the fringes of the law. The border is crossed when reporter knows about the possible crime and will not share his information with the law enforcement (if...
The purpose of this article is to show the role and function of the media and the tasks of journalis...
Rapid technological development has provided us with new efficient tools that we should not hesitate...
Frequently, on the basis of regulating crimes against humanity, justified interpretational doubts ar...
The article is an attempt to answer the question about the impact of the Investigative Reporters and...
The article is devoted to the issue of evaluation of investigative journalism within the legal and ...
This article discusses various ideas concerning the legal nature of attempted crime, which has tradi...
The article analyses mutual relations between the protection of competition under administrative law...
The paper concerns the evolution in practicing the profession of investigative journalist over the l...
This paper pictures the essence of the crime persistence harassment of fraud described in Article 19...
Wspólne zespoły śledcze (WZŚ) są jedną z powstałych na przełomie XX i XXI wieku nowych form współpra...
The principle of nullum crimen sine lege is nowadays recognized as the standard of the rule of law. ...
The issue of combating corruption crimes is extremely hard and still actual, even in developed count...
The article presents reflections about ethical issues in journalism profession, nowadays as well as ...
The article is concerned with the issue of admissibility of unlawfully obtained evidence in civil pr...
The author of the paper analyzes the phenomenon of ‘gatemania’ in the mass media, paying particular ...
The purpose of this article is to show the role and function of the media and the tasks of journalis...
Rapid technological development has provided us with new efficient tools that we should not hesitate...
Frequently, on the basis of regulating crimes against humanity, justified interpretational doubts ar...
The article is an attempt to answer the question about the impact of the Investigative Reporters and...
The article is devoted to the issue of evaluation of investigative journalism within the legal and ...
This article discusses various ideas concerning the legal nature of attempted crime, which has tradi...
The article analyses mutual relations between the protection of competition under administrative law...
The paper concerns the evolution in practicing the profession of investigative journalist over the l...
This paper pictures the essence of the crime persistence harassment of fraud described in Article 19...
Wspólne zespoły śledcze (WZŚ) są jedną z powstałych na przełomie XX i XXI wieku nowych form współpra...
The principle of nullum crimen sine lege is nowadays recognized as the standard of the rule of law. ...
The issue of combating corruption crimes is extremely hard and still actual, even in developed count...
The article presents reflections about ethical issues in journalism profession, nowadays as well as ...
The article is concerned with the issue of admissibility of unlawfully obtained evidence in civil pr...
The author of the paper analyzes the phenomenon of ‘gatemania’ in the mass media, paying particular ...
The purpose of this article is to show the role and function of the media and the tasks of journalis...
Rapid technological development has provided us with new efficient tools that we should not hesitate...
Frequently, on the basis of regulating crimes against humanity, justified interpretational doubts ar...