o Réalisation : Jean-Christophe Besset o Institut d’Etudes Europénnes - Recherche et Etudes en Politique InternationaleBruxelleso Film réalisé dans le cadre de l’Atelier de la Méditerranée « Mémoire(s) et circulation de la mémoire en Méditerranée »o Panel 5: Mémoires palestiniennes entre activisme et luttes transnationaleso Discutant : Omar Jabary Salamanca (Ghent University, Ghent)This paper explores how we can study the political commitment, ideology and entanglement of differently situated activists during the Third Worldist era through memories of the involved. Its focus is the Palestinian revolutionary movement and its relations to likeminded activists in Denmark during the 1970s. Palestine is one of a handful of emblematic revolutions...