Namen diplomske naloge je pridobiti učinkovine iz različnih delov Punica granatum L. in proučiti njihov inhibitorni učinek na rast mikrobnih celic Escherichia coli ter določiti vsebnost totalnih fenolov in vitamina C v vzorcih. S klasično vodno ekstrakcijo in Soxhletovo ekstrakcijo z etanolom smo pridobili učinkovine iz svežih in liofiliziranih semen, membrane in eksokarpa Punica granatum L. Proučili smo inhibitorni učinek ekstraktov na rast mikrobne kulture E. coli z disk difuzijsko metodo ter določili vsebnost totalnih fenolov in vitamina C v vzorcih. Ugotovili smo, da se v celotnem sadežu Punica granatum L. nahajajo totalni fenoli, vitamin C in antimkrobne spojine, ki zavirajo rast bakterijske kulture E. coli. Koncentracije naštetih spo...
Introduction. The prevalence of dental diseases in India is increasing. Antibiotic resistance exh...
White pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of potential plant that can be use as an antimicrobial...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE In traditional medicine, pomegranate is used for the treatment of intestina...
Magistrska naloga je zajemala preučevanje inhibitornih lastnosti ekstraktov zmletih koščic asimine (...
Namen magistrske naloge je bil določevanje antimikrobne učinkovitosti posameznih delov granatnega ja...
Escherichia coli awalnya adalah salah satu flora normal yang tidak berbahaya pada manusia. Namun, b...
Diarrhea is one of the gastrointestinal diseases that some reasons associated with an inappropriate ...
Punica granatum Linn has been known for its nutritional and medicinal value since ancient times and ...
A biodiversidade da flora brasileira abre a possibilidade de estudos com extratos naturais para form...
<p>Currently it is clear the need to develop new antimicrobial seeking to solve problems such as ant...
This study aimed to determine phytochemical contents, antibacterial properties, and antibiotic modul...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti masene udjele ukupnih fenola, antocijana te antioksidacijski ...
The antioxidant and antibacterial activities in the ethanol extract of pomegranate flowers were eval...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati maseni udio ukupnih fenola, monomernih antocijana i antioksid...
Background — Complex polysaccharides have been detected and characterized in Punica granatum or pome...
Introduction. The prevalence of dental diseases in India is increasing. Antibiotic resistance exh...
White pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of potential plant that can be use as an antimicrobial...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE In traditional medicine, pomegranate is used for the treatment of intestina...
Magistrska naloga je zajemala preučevanje inhibitornih lastnosti ekstraktov zmletih koščic asimine (...
Namen magistrske naloge je bil določevanje antimikrobne učinkovitosti posameznih delov granatnega ja...
Escherichia coli awalnya adalah salah satu flora normal yang tidak berbahaya pada manusia. Namun, b...
Diarrhea is one of the gastrointestinal diseases that some reasons associated with an inappropriate ...
Punica granatum Linn has been known for its nutritional and medicinal value since ancient times and ...
A biodiversidade da flora brasileira abre a possibilidade de estudos com extratos naturais para form...
<p>Currently it is clear the need to develop new antimicrobial seeking to solve problems such as ant...
This study aimed to determine phytochemical contents, antibacterial properties, and antibiotic modul...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti masene udjele ukupnih fenola, antocijana te antioksidacijski ...
The antioxidant and antibacterial activities in the ethanol extract of pomegranate flowers were eval...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati maseni udio ukupnih fenola, monomernih antocijana i antioksid...
Background — Complex polysaccharides have been detected and characterized in Punica granatum or pome...
Introduction. The prevalence of dental diseases in India is increasing. Antibiotic resistance exh...
White pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of potential plant that can be use as an antimicrobial...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE In traditional medicine, pomegranate is used for the treatment of intestina...