Regulation of the glucocorticoid response to stress-related disorders by the Hsp90-binding immunophilin FKBP51

  • Galigniana, Natalia Maricel
  • Ballmer, Luzia Thea
  • Toneatto, Judith
  • Erlejman, Alejandra Giselle
  • Lagadari, Mariana
  • Galigniana, Mario Daniel
Publication date
July 2012
Journal of Neurochemistry


Immunophilin is the collective name given to a family of proteins that bind immunosuppressive drugs: Some immunophilins are Hsp90-binding cochaperones that affect steroid receptor function. Mood and anxiety disorders are stress-related diseases characterized by an impaired function of the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors, two of the major regulatory elements of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Genetic variations of the FK506-binding protein of 51-kDa, FKBP51, one of the immunophilins bound to those steroid receptor complexes, were associated with the effectiveness of treatments against depression and with a major risk-factor for the development of post-traumatic stress disorders. Interestingly, immunophilins sho...

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