Loss to follow-up in cohort studies may result in biased association estimates. Of 61,895 women entering the Danish National Birth Cohort and completing the first data-collection phase, 37,178 (60%) opted to be in the 7-year follow-up. Using national registry data to obtain end point information on all members of the cohort, we estimated associations in the baseline and the 7-year follow-up participant populations for 5 exposure-outcome associations: (a) size at birth and childhood asthma, (b) assisted reproductive treatment and childhood hospitalizations, (c) prepregnancy body mass index and childhood infections, (d) alcohol drinking in early pregnancy and childhood developmental disorders, and (e) maternal smoking in pregnancy and childho...
Objectives: To examine bias arising from loss to follow-up due to lack of contact. Study Design and ...
Recent research into the implications of birth weight for infant health, and the implications of smo...
Background: Cohort studies may increase or decrease their selection bias as they progress through ti...
Background: Although cohort members tend to be healthy and affluent compared with the whole populati...
Only 60-70% of fertilized eggs may result in a live birth, and very early fetal loss mainly goes unn...
BACKGROUND: Several studies have examined the effects of sample selection on the exposure-outcome as...
Background: Prospective birth cohorts are essential for identifying associations between exposures a...
Background: Several studies have examined the effects of sample selection on the exposure–outcome as...
Survey research frequently involves missing cases attributable to refusals to participate, lack of s...
a case-control study of pregnancy outcome. Am J Epidemiol 1989^129:65-75. The role of report (recall...
Case-control studies of prenatal risk factors for disease in later life often ascertain cases from w...
Aims: To investigate potential differences between participants and dropouts in the 2005 follow-up o...
Background: This paper describes the background, aim and study design for the Swedish SELMA study th...
Abstract Background Cohort studies may increase or decrease their selection bias as they progress th...
BackgroundNon-participation in aetiologic studies of pubertal timing is frequent. However, little ef...
Objectives: To examine bias arising from loss to follow-up due to lack of contact. Study Design and ...
Recent research into the implications of birth weight for infant health, and the implications of smo...
Background: Cohort studies may increase or decrease their selection bias as they progress through ti...
Background: Although cohort members tend to be healthy and affluent compared with the whole populati...
Only 60-70% of fertilized eggs may result in a live birth, and very early fetal loss mainly goes unn...
BACKGROUND: Several studies have examined the effects of sample selection on the exposure-outcome as...
Background: Prospective birth cohorts are essential for identifying associations between exposures a...
Background: Several studies have examined the effects of sample selection on the exposure–outcome as...
Survey research frequently involves missing cases attributable to refusals to participate, lack of s...
a case-control study of pregnancy outcome. Am J Epidemiol 1989^129:65-75. The role of report (recall...
Case-control studies of prenatal risk factors for disease in later life often ascertain cases from w...
Aims: To investigate potential differences between participants and dropouts in the 2005 follow-up o...
Background: This paper describes the background, aim and study design for the Swedish SELMA study th...
Abstract Background Cohort studies may increase or decrease their selection bias as they progress th...
BackgroundNon-participation in aetiologic studies of pubertal timing is frequent. However, little ef...
Objectives: To examine bias arising from loss to follow-up due to lack of contact. Study Design and ...
Recent research into the implications of birth weight for infant health, and the implications of smo...
Background: Cohort studies may increase or decrease their selection bias as they progress through ti...