Aspetti temporali e spaziali nei frammenti diodorei sulle guerre servili siciliane

  • Pinzone, Antonino
Publication date
January 2015
PERSÉE : Université de Lyon, CNRS & ENS de Lyon


A careful and deeper reading of the fragments of the Historical Library of Diodorus Siculus about the servile wars of the second century B. C., highlights how the author (or rather its source, Posidonius) has made conscious use of pre-established models, drawing on the behavioral skills of the bonus imperator (especially the celeritas in agundo, i. e. the speed of intervention), and on common prejudices of anthropological nature, an area where the famous historian and philosopher of Apamea was the leading expert in antiquity.Una attenta e più profonda lettura dei frammenti della Biblioteca Storica di Diodoro Siculo sulle guerre servili siciliane di II secolo a. C. mette in evidenza come l’autore (o meglio la sua fonte, cioè Posidonio) abbia...

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